Cub Scout Pack 1776

Welcome Back Howler

Pack 1776,

The 2010 Coyote Creek Welcome Back Howler was fantastic!  Our Pack had a table and was in charge of handing out waters to families touring the school.  We were able to share the benefits of Scouting with many new families and hope to see them joining up in the fall.

I want to send a special thanks to the following parents:

Harry Beck - Thanks for the wonderful poster.  It looked amazing!
Lisa Cheney - Thanks for coming to my rescue!
Desiree Busierre - Thanks for the last minute help!
Marco Rico
Susan Laubach

And of course the following Scouts, thanks for representing Pack 1776 so well:

Abhilash P
Alexander B
Andre B
Brandon B
Brennan C
Chris Y

I also want to thank Coyote Creek who donated half a dozen mint condition ice chests to the Pack that we can use for camping trips in the future!

Cubmaster Macey

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