Cub Scout Pack 1776

CCLF Craft Boutique Scout Volunteers Needed 12/10/10

Pack 1776,

On Friday December 10th, the Coyote Creek PTA is hosting the CCLF Holiday Craft Boutique in the MPR and they have asked for our assistance with this event.

We will need 3 to 4 scouts from 3pm to 5 pm and 3 to 4 Scouts from 5pm to 7pm. We will also need at least 2 adult leaders for each time period. If you are able, you can volunteer for both time slots.

Scouts will be announcing raffle winners and making and serving (and eating) popcorn. It should be a ton of fun!

Let me know if you are interested in helping and make sure to wear your class A uniforms since this will be a great recruiting event.

Cubmaster Macey

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