Webelos II events with Troop 805
Message from Troop 805 ...
Webelos Scout leaders from Pack 1776,
If you did not have a chance to get our brochures at the November Webelos to Scouting transition roundtable, here is the latest information on Troop 805.
We are having a Miniature golf outing on Sunday, Dec 5 with the Webelos:
Sunday, December 5, 2010- Golden Tee Golfland
- We will meet at the Golfland location at 12 noon: Golden Tee Golfland, 2533 Castro Valley Blvd, Castro Valley, CA
- Attire: full Class A uniform.
- Cost: $15.00 (adults and scouts) to cover the cost of pizza, 1 game of golf and a few tokens to play arcade games.
- They also need us to confirm & pay 48 hrs ahead of time, so if you can get us a head count & payment sometime before 12/03 for any scouts that are interested, it would be great.
- Scouts should bring bottled water and extra money for arcade games, if desired.
Our Webelos Open House is going to be Tuesday, Dec 7 from 7-8:30pm at Sycamore Valley Elementary School MPR. For further details see this flyer.
We are also planning a local hike on January 8. I can send you more details when they are available.
About us: Troop 805 focuses on the three aims of Scouting: encouraging participatory citizenship, building strong moral character & helping boys to grow physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Our website: http://troop805.org is a great way to review what we are all about. It lists the troop calendar, activities, newsletters, dedicated adult leaders & all the T805 Eagle Scouts. The "About Scouting" section lists all the scout leadership positions which is especially useful to those who are new to the Boy Scout program.
We are truly a Boy led troop. Among the activities the boys planned for 2011 include:
- Ski Trip
- Snow Camping
- Snow Shoeing
- Scout Skills Weekend
- District Camporee
- Yosemite Service Project
- Boating
- Fishing
- White Water Rafting
- Shooting Sports
- Hiking
- Backpacking
- Rock climbing
The following informational flyers will give you more detailed information about T805. Let me know if you have any further questions.
We look forward to having visits from all of you!
Ed Laubach
T805 ASM- recruitment