Cub Scout Pack 1776

Halloween Pictures Now Playing!

Hi Everyone,

Last Friday's Pack 1776 Halloween Party was a complete success! I hope you all had as great a time as I did.

Three cheers to Lisa Cheney and her team of party animals for coordinating a fun night, which flew by faster than an impatient vampire bat in hurry out of a belfrey! Great games, costumes, prizes and treats.

Many thanks to our own, hard-working Cubmaster Macey for capturing the event on film, with a thrilling collection of portraits of our cubs and families. Macey is the Wizard of Photography, and you can view his magic at our pack website on SmugMug. Go to the photo site and enjoy the show.

See you next week for our big November Pack Meeting, the Olympic BeyBlades Tournament! Watch for your e-mail-man to deliver more details.

Cubmaster John

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