Cub Scout Pack 1776

The Big Event Pack Meeting Wednesday Nov 9

Hello Sports Fans of Pack 1776,

This is just a friendly reminder, to remember, not to forget...

OUR HUGE BEYBLADES EXTRAVAGANZA AND PACK MEETING, this Wednesday, November 9, at 7:00 in the Coyote Creek MPR!!!!!

As you know, BeyBlades are today's answer to the kids' spinning tops from centuries past. These tops, however, are turbo-charged, well-engineered dynamos made of metal, which do battle like gladiators, and our scouts are big enthusiasts.

Bring your main BeyBlades, spare BeyBlades, BeyBlade Arenas and need for speed. If you don't have one, in the spirit of Scouting, our cubs with spares to share will loan you one. This is an opportunity for the scouts to have some fun and friendly competition in the name of science!

And I emphasize "Friendly" Overly aggressive Soccer Moms and fiercely competitive Basketball Dads will just have to take it outside. We Cubs are all about sportsmanship, comradery and physics. Get ready to spin, rattle and roll!

We will also be sharing candy for our troops overseas. Please bring your non-chocolate Halloween candy to the meeting as we collect treats for our brave and loyal servicemen and women, sending them a little taste of home and a message that we remember them.

Finally, we'll have special guests from the Boy Scout Troop 60, who will meet the boys and tell them a little about upcoming Geocaching events. ("Geocaching", by the way, is not the sale of rocks for big money, but a fun outdoor explorer activity!)

Looking forward to seeing you all Wednesday,

Cubmaster John

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