Cub Scout Pack 1776

2016 Art & Wind Festival Cotton Candy

Date/Time: May 29-30, 2016, 9:30am - 6:30pm (2 hour timeslots)
Location: Booth #832, by the tennis courts.
Attire: Class A uniform
RSVP: SignUp Genius

It’s that time of the year again! We are asking the entire Pack 1776 Cub Scout family to participate in our annual Cotton Candy Fundraiser at the San Ramon Art & Wind Festival.

Pack 1776 gets a major funding boost from this event and we definitely need volunteer support from all of our dens.

To ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to participate, please note the following guidelines:

1) At least one parent is required to be with their scout but the entire family is most welcome to join the fun.
2) Each shift must have at least 1 Scout Leader and no more than 4 scouts inside the booth.
3) Remember to maintain a Scout attitude. Don't forget that you are all perfect 1776 Gentlemen. Always thank those we have asked and always wish them a good day, have the proper attitude, demonstrating good manners and conduct.

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