August 18th: Rocket Day! Discover Pack 1776
2-4 pm @ Coyote Creek School Blacktop

- LAUNCH PAD: Coyote Creek School Blacktop (Kid's Country side)
- TIME: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- UNIFORM: Class B or comfortable attire for those who are not scouts/new scouts
- Bring a refillable water bottle full of water, sunscreen, hat and if desired, folding chair.
- VOLUNTEER: We need your help! Sign up here to volunteer.
Come build and shoot a compressed air rocket!
Sno Cones! Crafts! Fun!
Pack 1776 invites you to build your own rocket, launch it and have a blast! Learn about Cub Scouting and all the fun things we do.
Join now!
How to Register with Pack 1776
- Complete online Pack 1776 Registration Form
- Complete the Medical Form Parts A & B
- Make a copy of the front & back of your scout’s medical insurance card.
- Provide the scout registration fee for your year via a check made out to Pack 1776:
- $150 per Tiger, Wolf, Bear or Webelos scout (First through Fifth grades in 2019-2020).
- $75 per new Lion scouts (those who will be in Kindergarten in 2019-2020)
- Provide a separate $200 parent volunteer deposit per family, (check postdated to 4/1/2020, also made out to Pack 1776). Fee waived for new Lion scouts.
- Online BSA Youth Application Form for new scouts only.
Bring your completed forms and checks to Rocket Day! or deposit them in the Pack 1776 mailbox inside the Coyote Creek School Office (on the table by the front door).
Helpful Registration Information
Complete the online Pack Registration Form:
We use emails for all of our Pack communication and signups. Please provide an email address that you check regularly.
Please provide us your cell phone number so we can reach each other during outings. You can enter your other phone numbers on
All of our scouts and uniformed leaders will receive a “dri-fit” shirt. They run smaller than a traditional cotton t-shirt; we recommend ordering one size larger.
Let us know your interests and talents. It does not commit you to a role, just help us understand the parent skills and resources available within our pack.
Go to volunteer job descriptions.
Medical Form Part A & B and Copy of Insurance
BSA requires parents to complete a new waiver and medical form every year in order for scouts to participate in activities. Click here: FORM.
Page 1, Part A requires 2 parent signatures in the State of California.
Page 1, Part A asks for people who can take your scout to and from events. If you list names here, no one outside the list can take your child. We suggest writing “anyone from Pack 1776”
If your scout has a “life threatening allergy” please write it on the top of page 1 with a red sharpie.
Please provide a front and back copy of your child’s medical insurance card.
For immunization history, we only need the date of the last injection.
Submit a check payment of $150
Check should be made out to Pack 1776 and can be turned in at the pack meetings or the pack mailbox inside the Coyote Creek office (on a table by the front door).
The fee covers 1) registration with the Boy Scouts of America, 2) subscription to Boy's Life magazine, 3) Class B shirt, and 4) general Pack meeting expenses. It does not include the costs for outings, camping or Class A uniform.
We’d love for you to participate as a leader! If you’re willing to be a trained uniformed leader, we will discount your registration fee by $50; one discount per paid scout. You must complete your BSA Adult Application Form, online Youth Protection training, have all the patches properly sewn onto your uniform, and wear your uniform whenever the scouts wear theirs.
You have 30 days or until September 13, 2019 for a full refund. After this deadline, we thank you for your tax deductible donation to support scouting.
A $200 volunteer deposit check, postdated to 4/1/2020
Please submit a separate postdated check made out to Pack 1776, even if you are a uniformed leader. It simplifies our job when everyone follows the same rule. We will hold on to this check until the end of the scouting year.
If you have fulfilled your eight minimum service hours and log it onto our website at will return your $200 deposit at your child’s graduation.
We understand that some families have a hard time completing the minimum service hour. We will accept your $200 volunteer donation in exchange. It will be used to help train our Pack Leaders and support our scouting program.
BSA Youth Application Form for new scouts only.
This form is required for all scouts new to Pack 1776, including scouts transferring from another Pack.
You can ignore the request to pay $36 online to BSA National; the Pack will pay for it using part of your registration fee.
Acceptance into the Pack
If you signed up during open registration (up to mid September), we automatically accept all boys and girls from kindergarten to fourth grade. We only accept fifth grade boys or girls that have completed Webelos I already.
After the open registration period, we only accept new scouts with the Den Leader’s approval.
Unless there's room in the current Den, new Den assignment and number is announced after the September 2019 Pack meeting.
Den Leaders are chosen among the Den parents. Den Leaders do not need any prior scouting or leadership experience; our Pack and District will provide training and support.
Cub Scouting is a year-round family program designed for boys or girls in the first through fifth grades, or 7 to 10 years of age. Young boys and girls grow up fast. Give your son or daughter a valuable gift by encouraging him or her to join Cub Scouting today. The time you invest in them today will make a difference in the person he or she becomes tomorrow.