Cub Scout Pack 1776

Blue & Gold Agenda Wrapup

Pack 1776 families-

The Blue and Gold banquet again proved to be one of the highlights of our Scouting year.

It brought together our Pack's families for a dinner and an evening of fun. The tri-tip, chicken & spaghetti meal was super yummy, but even more important was the warm, congenial atmosphere created as families enjoy each other's company.

The entertainment was awesome! Special thanks to Timothy James & his fantastic magic show. He truly kept the audience entertained. For those who got to stay until the end, naturalist Red & Hayley showed us all the cool dance moves with their rendition of the shindizzle!

For those of you who want to share pictures & videos, we encourage you to post them on . All the posting instructions can be found on our Pack website.

Another BIG "THANK YOU!" to the Blue & Gold organizers who helped make this one of the best events that our Pack has ever put on. I’d like to take the time to recognize them:

Scott E
Susan K
Susan L
Lydell B
Kim D
Terry H
Pam M
Bill M

And finally, congratulations once again to the graduating Webelos. It is particularly touching for me personally as I known most of them since their first grade Tiger cub year. I was honored to be their den leader for 3 years & their Cubmaster for the last two years.

These are a special group of young men.

& Vatsal

Thank you for being a special part of our Pack. We’ll miss you all & we wish you the very best in your Scouting futures.

Yours in Scouting,

Cubmaster Ed


Jaguar Hike – Mission Accomplished

Today's hike was not a comfortable one. After 75 minutes of walking briskly we were soaking wet.
But hikes are not supposed to be easy.

This hike was a good preparation for scouts who one day will interview the Jaguar people in the Amazon forest.

The jaguar hike (aka Lafayette reservoir) was a great character building event centered on endurance.

Eka and I want to recognize the following scouts who completed it:

  • Warren H
  • Andrew K
  • Jacob K
  • Colin H
  • Thomas M
  • Matthew I
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Blue & Gold Agenda

Pack 1776 families-

As you know, we are having our annual Blue & Gold banquet this Friday night. For those of you who are new to scouting, the blue and gold banquet is where we celebrate the birthday of Scouting. This year is extra special as we are celebrating our 100th anniversary of Scouting in America. We will also be celebrating the Webelos II Cub Scouts bridging to Boy Scouts. This is our ceremony to honor their transition.

Cub Scouts and leaders should wear their full Class A uniform as this is THE formal event of the year. There will be awesome food, outstanding entertainment, and guaranteed fun for all.

Seating is limited due to the MPR capacity & we had to have a proper head count for the food order, so hopefully everyone responded to the evite.

Here is an agenda for Friday’s events. We plan to start promptly at 5:30.

2010 B&G Agenda (theme: BSA 100th Bday!)

-4:35 Start setup/decorations

-510 Gathering-Bears Den 4

-530 Opening Flag/ Welcome

-535 Food

+ Slide Show-during food
+ Friends of Scouting Presentation
+ photo
+ Happy Birthday CAKE!

-630 Magician

-710 Webelos II- Arrow of Light and Bridging

-745 Shindizzle

-825 Closing/ CleanUp

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Yours in Scouting,

Cubmaster Ed


Pinewood Derby Results

The race results are in!  Check it out.
Pinewood Derby Results


Jambo Times – February


Northern California Jamboree – Info

Date: Thursday, April 15-18 , 2010
Alameda County Fairground

Check this out.  It's a fun event that you don't want to miss!

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2010 Pinewood Derby Wrapup

Hi families of Pack 1776!

We hope you all had fun at today’s Pinewood derby festivities.

Lots of Thank You’s to all the volunteer parents:

PWD chairman- Joe M
PWD chairman- Russ D
PWD chairman- Harry B
2010 PWD announcer- Steve B
Food booth organizers- Jen R, Cathy V, Lisa C, Kim D, and Robert R

And all the volunteer parents who helped with the race setup & handling!

Last but not least, I’d like to thank Macey Z, who donated his time & efforts to make the super cool PWD Driver’s license.

Everyone’s time, energy, dedication and support for the pack are much appreciated! We are a volunteer organization & all the volunteers make this possible.

Again congratulations to the speed winners:

First- Alexander B
Second- Jacob L
Third- Brandon B

Also congratulations to the artistic winners:

Spirit of Scouting: JT F (Zamboni)
Most Realistic: Tie between Brian L (Wii) and AJ L (Speedy McQueen)
Most Similar to a Race Car: Kai P (Formula One Car)
Most Fun Car: Raghau M (Yoshi)

One of the fun things about a big group is not only sharing pictures, but sharing memories! If you took any pictures or videos from the event, please upload them to our Pack photo site (details here).

Cubmaster PWD notes:

When I take a moment to contemplate all the Pinewood derby cars, I realize that an awful lot of painstaking work went into each one. There is much creativity and ingenuity represented. I don't know, but I imagine that each car was designed to be the fastest. Of course, there was only one winning CAR, but I contend to say that all of the CUBS were winners. This is why we choose to give a trophy to all the participants.

Building the car helped bring dad and son closer together. Mom was proud of her son whether she gave him a hug of congratulations or comfort. The boys gained a better knowledge of competition; how to win, how to lose, how to be happy for a friend. The leaders, in the pride they felt knowing that each of their boys had done their best.

Yes, there are only winners!

Thank you all for helping to make the pack go and the Cub Scouts grow! Most of all, I hope all the families had fun with your scouts! Activities like this will make memories of a lifetime!

Congratulations to all of us winners!

Cubmaster Ed


Adventure Base 100 at Sacramento

Did you enjoy Adventure Base 100 at Sacramento this past weekend?  Want a recap?  Here you go ...

To learn more about AB100, go to their website.  You can also subscribe to their cool videos on the BSA 100th years channel.


Amazing Pinewood Derby Cars

Looking for ideas for your pinewood derby car? Check out these amazing pinewood derby cars created by Boys' Life magazine readers. Get more, plus tips to make your car super-fast, at


Adventure Base 100 – Volunteers Needed!

Date: Thursday, January 21-24, 2010
Location: Cal Expo, Sacramento, CA

Adventure Base 100
In celebration of the organization’s 100th anniversary, the National BSA is bringing a truly unique and interactive experience to our area, the Adventure Base 100.

Created specifically for the Boy Scouts of America’s 100th Anniversary Celebration, Adventure Base 100 is traveling the country to rally people of all ages to take part in “Celebrating the Adventure, Continuing the Journey.”

Adventure Base 100 is a unique, interactive 10,000-square-foot campus featuring immersive and exciting Scout-related experiences to provide a hands-on view of the Boy Scouts of America’s 100 year history and the difference Scouting has made in the lives of millions of youth.

Starting in January at the Tournament of Roses in Pasadena, Calif., and ending in November in New York City, Adventure Base 100 will be rolling into more than 40 markets across the country. It will be in Sacramento from Thursday, January 21 to Sunday, January 24th. This is a joint effort with all the Bay Area Councils. Adventure Base 100 will be located at the Cal Expo.

We Need Volunteers!

The Mt. Diablo Silverado Council needs to provide volunteers to help provide manpower. This is the same weekend as the Council’s LEAD Training so it will be really helpful for volunteers who are not attending the training to volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering at the Adventure Base, please look at these job descriptions and then fill out this form and submit it to Dave Ishikawa as soon as possible. The MDSC contact is Valerie Ridgers 925-674-6155 or email.