Meridian District Cub Scout Day Camp
Little Hills Ranch Park, San Ramon
Canceled due to Shelter in Place. Participate in the Virtual Cub Scout Day Camp!

- Date:
June 8 to June 12, 2020 - Location: Little Hills Picnic Ranch, 18013 Bollinger Canyon Rd, San Ramon, CA 94583
- Attire: Class B on Day 1; Camp Shirt After That
Cub Scout Day Camp is an exciting summer adventure where a Scout can spend five days in an outdoor setting and enjoy a wide range of activities with a group of friends. Day Camp provides boys and girls fun challenges and new experiences with activities based on the Cub Scout and Webelos Scout advancement plan. Swimming! Hiking! Archery! Cooking, songs, skits and so much fun for kid and parent alike. Last year we had visits from the fire department, CHP Canine unit and East Bay Regional Parks Rescue Helicopter!

Cub Scout Day Camp is open to all registered cub scouts, both boys and girls, of ranks Tiger (1st grader) up to Webelos (5th grader), as of fall of 2020 (i.e. next school year).
Camp takes place July 13-17th at Little Hills Regional Recreation Area located at 18013 Bollinger Canyon Rd, San Ramon, CA 94583.
Expected times
- Mon - Thu : 8:50 AM - 4:00 PM
- Drop off at 8:30 AM
- Pickup : 3:50 PM onwards
- Friday : 9:00 AM - 2:30PM
- Drop off at 8:40 PM
- Pickup: 2:20 PM onwards
We understand that some, if not many, of you may not know for sure if you can participate in Cub Scout Day Camp in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, while the hope is the COVID-19 pandemic will be well over by July and groups may congregate, this too is an unknown. The Council recognizes this, placing the safety and wellbeing of our scouts, parents, campers and volunteers at the forefront. Day Camp will only go forward if it is safe and in compliance with local, state and Boy Scouts of America directives.
We ask that you consider registering now by enrolling the Campers and Volunteers that you would like to attend Day Camp. Registering now is important for planning and purchasing purposes so that we may get a rough head count of the campers and volunteers who can go.
You’ll note that the website will ask you to place a $25 deposit per camper, rather than the full fee now. This deposit is refundable should Day Camp need to be canceled.
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! Day Camp is 100% volunteer run. Adult and Jr. Helper volunteers are needed to make this a great camp for all! Adult volunteers are needed for small and big jobs – before, during, and after camp. Everything from prepping projects, unit binders and setting up stations before camp, assisting taking down stations after camp, to helping for a few hours or days at camp. Let us know and we will be glad to work with you!
While the regular price for a registered Scout to attend Day Camp is $295, Volunteers assisting two or more days receive substantial discounts. Parents that volunteer the 5 days are able to send their registered Scout to camp for a week’s work of fun for only $120!
- Regular Price $295
- Discounted Prices if the parent volunteers 2 or more days.
2 Volunteer Days | 3 Volunteer Days | 4 Volunteer Days | 5 Volunteer Days |
$255 cost | $220 cost | $175 cost | $120 cost |
- Tags (Youth 2-5 years old*): Price $25
- Jr. Helpers (Scouts BSA): Price $20
- Adults: Free
Visit here to learn more about Day Camp and to register.
Be sure to see the really cool promotional video (keeping in mind the dates have now changed to July 13-17th).
Open to boys and girls that will be in the 1st through 5th grade in the Fall of 2020. Those who have scouts who will be Tigers in June (i.e. Lions now who will be 1st graders as of Fall 2020) must have a parent registered to be with them at camp for the entire week.
Girls are welcome! For those girls who are not already a registered Cub Scout with Pack 1776, Cub Scout Day Camp is open to girls of parents volunteering at least 3 days, and who are in 1st through 5th grade in the Fall of 2020. These who wish to attend, will be registered as Cub Scouts with Pack 1776 at a reduced rate just so that they can attend camp. This fee can be applied to the 2020-2021 Pack 1776 registration fee should they later decide to remain in Cub Scouting with Pack 1776. The Girl's unit will participate in the same activities as the Cub Scouts. While the requirement is that a parent volunteer for at least 3 days, the girl can attend all 5 days.
We need you to volunteer at least 2 Days
Given this is a volunteer driven camp, those families who wish to attend are asked to volunteer at least two days. It does not have to be the same parent. You can alternate days. There are many things to do. You can help do admin tasks days or weeks before camp starts (Pack Coordinator who collects the forms; helping the District organize forms; set up, etc.) You can also help in the morning by directing traffic before work or helping strike camp after camp is done. There is much that can be done behind the scenes if you cannot actually help out during the day camp day. Volunteering during the day during Day Camp is fun and rewarding as you accompany your child's group from station to station, joining in on some of the activities as well. Like to try archery? Shoot a sling shot? Now's your chance. Sing camp songs and spend time with your child before they become a teenager!
Pack 1776 will sign up to oversee an activity. Last year we ran the aquatics activity which means we will be checking in various scout groups into the pool and recording swim tests. The District hired lifeguards, so we did not have anything to do with the actual supervision/life guarding of the kids in the pool.
Tag-Alongs (Tags)
TAGs are children of adult volunteers who are too young to be registered as Cub Scouts. The TAG station essentially provides child care to Tags while their parents are assisting in the Camp operation. A child can be registered as a Tag only if one of the parents is assisting at the Camp for the at least three days.
Junior Helper
Are you a Scouts BSA scout or Girl Scout? Teenager in middle or high school? Come join us. Help lead activities by acting as a Junior Helper.
Cub Scout Rangemaster Training: May 18, 2019

Date/Time: Saturday, May 18 2019, 8:30am - 4:30pm
Location: Camp Herms; 1100 James Pl, El Cerrito, CA
Information: Flyer
For all adults interested in becoming a Cub Scout Rangemaster for BB guns or Archery. Those interested in volunteering at Day Camp should sign up for this training as we are assisting with the BB Gun Range. Please email cubmaster@pack1776 if you are joining us at the training.
Become a certified rangemaster to run shooting sports ranges at Cub Scout Day Camp this summer. Help our Cub Scouts earn their BB gun and Archery patches and pins.
Saturday, May 18
8:30AM-12:30PM, Archery
1:30PM-4:30PM, BB Gun
You may attend either session or both.
Please contact Alan Young at [email protected] or 925-674-6102 to register for any of the sessions. There is no charge for this training, which is valid for two years!
Scout Day Camp 2017
For more info:
To register:
To view the cool promo video:
Questions on how to register: (925) 674-6100
2016 Cub Scout Day Camp
Welcome to Cloud City! On behalf of our esteemed mayor, Cloud City sends this invite to scouts who wish to join our proud City for its annual Sky Guard Challenge. Only the bravest, most skilled, and crafty of scouts should enter as Sky Riders!
Each day will start with a gathering in the City Square. Riders will head out to join the Flight Shop and learn the secrets of engineering. Jet forward to learn the skill and artistry from the Sky Design Studio. Take a dip into the Rain Tank to cool off, test your skills in the field of archery, or take aim with steam pellet projectors. The Challenge will end with a day of Rider Games; test your skills and strengths and you can become a member of the Sky Guard! Also, beware of the dastardly Flying Pirates who are always looking to stir up trouble.
Start your engines, get your props turning, heat up the dirigibles, and come take a Journey to Cloud City!
When: August 1st to August 5th, 2015
Where: Little Hills, 18013 Bollinger Canyon Rd, San Ramon
Cost: Early registration is $175, Regular Registration is $200, and late Registration is $225.
Check the Meridian District Summer Camp Webpage for more info on camp details and adult volunteer requirements. Click on the Day Camp Flier link for details on registration deadlines, volunteer fees and rebates, and much more.
2015 Cub Scout Day Camp
Here Ye Here Ye, the King bids thee well and proclaims a festival of knights. The kingdom of Camp-A-Lot and the knights of the round table seek the bravest, craftiest, and scoutiest squires of the land. Proclaim yourself as participating in the quest for the legendary Goblet of Adventure and become a knight! The festival will start each day with the grand gathering. Squires will head out to join the blacksmith and learn the secrets of engineering. March forward to learn the skill and artistry from masters of crafts. Take a dip into the lake of youth to cool off, test your skills in the field of archery, or try Merlin’s amazing Bop-Bop sticks (BB). The festival will end with a day of Knightly Games; test your skills and strengths and the king will declare you a knight! Waste not a moment of time, come hither, for the hour groweth near.
When: June 22nd to June 26th, 2015
Where: Little Hills, 18013 Bollinger Canyon Rd, San Ramon
Cost: $175 before May 15th. $200 from May 15th to June 1st
Check the Meridian District Summer Camp Webpage for more info on camp details and adult volunteer requirements. Register before May 5th to get the early bird discount. Click here to view a video.
A Mandatory Information Meeting will be held on May 6th at 7-8 pm at Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church. If you cannot make the meeting, please contact Esther Wooten or Grace Dagen with questions.
2014 Cub Scout Day Camp
Recruiting adventurous cub scout-aged boys for a Galactic Trek to the Meridian District solar system !
Star Date: June 23rd to June 27th, 2014
Destination: Little Hills, 18013 Bollinger Canyon Rd, San Ramon
Cost: $175 before April 23rd. $200 from April 23rd to June 8th
Check the Meridian District Summer Camp Webpage for more info on camp details and adult volunteer requirements. Register before April 23rd to get the early bird discount. Click here to view a video.
An Information Meeting will be held on April 22nd from 7-8pm at the Walt Disney Elementary MPR. If you cannot make the meeting, please contact Teresa Noble with questions.
Cub Scout Day Camp 2013 – Recap
“The spirit is there in every boy; it has to be discovered and brought to light.”
-Robert Baden-Powell
Pack 1776 Families:
This year the theme at Camp was “Jungle Adventure.” The weather added to the adventure, with cold, rain and tropical heat. All the boys that attended had a good time and earned some Cub Scout belts loops in the process.
Summer Camp ran from June 24 through June 28. Each day started at 8:30 a.m. and ended at 3:30 p.m. On Friday afternoon the Scouts were entertained with skit performances by their fellow campers and dismissed 1:30 p.m.
Each day of camp was packed with activities. By attending and participating the boys were able to earn belt loops and Webelos pins, getting a jump start on the upcoming 2014 Scouting year. The most popular activities were BB gun shooting, archery and hiking. BB gun and archery are activities that can only be completed at a District run event. In addition there was swimming, crafts, sports, first aid training, whittling, and many other activities.
We had eight scouts from Pack 1776 attend this year. They were assisted by Teresa Noble who was at camp every day, as well as Tom Dutton and Praveen Kesani who helped out one day each. Normally the maximum is six scouts per full time volunteer but we were able to add a couple extra thanks to some help from a Walnut Creek Pack.
The organizers did a great job planning the event. There were lots of Junior Helpers at each station. Safety was a priority with a full time nurse on the premises. Each Scout was given a t-shirt and a canteen. Every adult had a t-shirt as well so it was easy to tell if someone did not belong at camp.
Next year we hope to have more Scouts attending. The theme with be “Space Trek.” We want Scouts to attend and will need volunteers to make it happen. “The Cub Scout helps the pack go. The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.”
Pack 1776 Committee
Meridian Day Camp – June 24th – 28th UPDATED INFO
To those interested in the Meridian Day Camp:
If you haven't already, please take a look (see Yuji's email here) at this opportunity for the cubs to have a fun-filled experience... which is what I gather from others who have participated in such camps in prior years.
It allows the cubs to experience activities that they otherwise wouldn't get to partake in. As such, the Meridian Day Camp has always been very popular. In fact, it becomes that enjoyable amongst both cubs and volunteers that some of them like to wear a customized rain jacket, from somewhere like Imprint, to stay dry and warm because we experience all weather here. And no one wants to miss out on all this fun, do they?
With that being said, I have been asked a few questions by some and here are the answers based on what I have learnt from the organizers:
Q: How do I get early registration discount?
A: Register online (see Yuji's email here). There is early registration discount available before 26-Apr-2013. You do not have to have all the medical forms and such approved by the organizers by that date to be able to get the discount but you must register online (see Yuji's email here) by that date to get a discount.
Q: What do I do once I have filled out the forms that I am asked to as part of the registration process?
A: Send me -- your day camp coordinator -- the following:
(a) each participating cub scout's forms
(b) your own forms (adult application and medical) if you are volunteering
(c) which days of the week you are "committed" to volunteering.
Follow up via email to me letting me know that you have mailed the above so that I can look for those in mail.
Q: Once I send the forms, does that guarantee that my son has a confirmed seat at the camp?
A: This is a tricky one. This camp is solely supported by "volunteers". Each pack is required to have volunteers (parents) from the pack participating. The required ratio of volunteers to cub scouts is "1 is to 6" at a minimum. If we fail to have enough volunteers, we will be forced to reduce the number of scouts who can participate.
Q: When will I know if my child's seat is secured?
A: As soon as the organizers have given their green signal for our pack's participation. This will require the pack to complete all requirements with respect to getting all the forms (of participating cub scouts and volunteering parents) approved by the organizers and the organizers have determined that the pack has sufficient volunteer representation. So, the sooner we (pack 1776) get our forms and volunteer plan into the hands of the organizers, the better. I -- Sunil Kulkarni -- will be the coordinator collecting your forms (cub scouts and volunteers) and volunteer participation information (which days of the week you will volunteer), putting together a binder and will work with camp organizers to get approvals of this binder. While I am not aware of any deadlines for form submission to the organizers, I would like to put a deadline for our pack of 30-Apr. i.e. please submit your information to me by that date. Please note, I cannot provide confirmation of our participation unless and until the camp organizers have reviewed the binder, approved it and given a green signal for our participation.
Q: Should I have a backup plan in case we (pack 1776) fail to get support for the camp?
A: I would strongly advise for a backup plan in the event that we (i.e. pack 1776) are unable to participate. One primary risk we have is lack of volunteers. If we do not get sufficient number of volunteers for each day of the camp, we will not be allowed to participate. So, please make sure you have a backup plan!!! I know this is tricky as alternate summer camps will fill up fast and understand you would want to know well in advance if you have your spot secured at the cub scout camp. But this is a bit beyond my control and perhaps -- assuming I am not missing some information that the camp organizers have on this -- needs to be looked into in the future by the camp organizers.
Q: If I volunteer, do I have to be at the camp all days during the camp week?
A: No. It is recognized that a parent may not be able to volunteer all days of the camp. But the pack must ensure that they have enough number of volunteers available each day to meet the minimum ratio of volunteers to cub scouts.
Q: Can volunteers rotate out during a given day (say each one providing 2 hours of volunteering on a given day)?
A: NO. This arrangement is not acceptable. It is very disruptive and hard to manage for the camp organizers.
Q: Do I need to fill out forms for myself if I am volunteering?
A: Yes. You have to be BSA registered and an adult application form has to be submitted in addition to medical forms. I think there is a background check as well as some training requirements if I recall correctly. As with applying for anything, it is very important that we perform background check procedures on all of our potential volunteers, so we are able to proceed with the best interests of our cub scouts in mind. But please, don't be afraid about this; it's a standard procedure. Please see the registration site for details (see Yuji's email below). If the scout council already has your registration on file from previous volunteering you did and the information is current, then you may not be required to re-submit your adult application form. Please let me know if you believe the council has your registration on file so that I can work with them to ensure you don't need to fill out the adult application form (although you will still be required to submit your medical forms as I understand).
Hope the above helps.
Please let me know if you have any other questions. I will gather answers from organizers and publish them periodically via an email such as this.
Best Regards,
Sunil Kulkarni
Pack 1776 Day Camp Coordinator
2013 Cub Scout Day Camp – Jungle Adventure
Pack 1776,
Meridian Day Camp Registration is now open. This is the cub scout summer day camp program the MDSC offers to the packs in the district.
Please see the attached link:
Sunil Kulkarni, Den 4, will be the main coordinator of the event, so please let him know if you plan to attend this event as there is required paperwork (application, medical forms) that needs to be collected and submitted. We will need parent volunteer ratio of one parent for each 6 cubs that sign up for this event, so please be cognizant of this as we may not be able to participate without the appropriate volunteer ratio.
Yuji Yamada
Committee Chair