Scouting For Food 2020

We need your help! The need is great, especially due to COVID-19! Pack 1776 will be accepting canned food and non-perishable items to be distributed to various food banks across the Bay Area. Because of COVID-19, we will not be distributing door hangers nor collecting food items. Instead, we are asking the community to donate food at a central location. From November 3 to 13, food can be dropped off in the marked bin in front of the Coyote Creek Elementary School main office between 8:30am and 3:30pm.
Food items we need: Protein items like canned tuna, ham, sardines and SPAM, as well as peanut butter are greatly needed. Do not donate glass objects and food that will perish soon.
What you can do & how you can earn a patch

What you can do: Please help spread the word to your neighbors!
If you donate five food items you will receive this Scouting for Food patch. To earn the patch, send an email to [email protected] after you have dropped off your donation.
For any questions please email: [email protected].
Scouting for Food 2016
Dear Pack,
This year's Scouting for Food is scheduled for the weekend of Nov 12 (hanger distribution) and Nov 19 (collection).
For those new to scouting: this is a wonderful opportunity for our scouts to participate in a community service project. The food that we collect goes to the Contra Costa Food Bank from where it is distributed to those in need. Den leaders are responsible for ensuring their den's participation in this event.
Click on this symbol to see the area assignment for each den. You can also click on the white rectangle symbol on the far right to view the map in full size:
General Reminders:
- Wear Class A Scout uniform
- Drivers should have all scouts in view at all times
- Scouts are NOT to enter a donor's residence
- Bring a friend - a great way to introduce what Scouting is about
Hanger Distribution - Nov 14
- You may distribute door hangers on a different day than Nov 12
- Door hangers should be placed on the door or partially under the door mat (ensure it's visible and won't blow away)
- Do not put hangers in mailboxes
Food Pickup - Nov 19
- Food must be picked up from the same area you distributed door hangers
- Food pickup is to begin no earlier than 9:00 am
- Food must be dropped off in front of Coyote Creek MPR between 11 am and noon
- If you may be late and wish to know if one of the coordinators will still be at Coyote Creek, please call one of these numbers: Abirami 925.487.9769 | Priya 925.478.0894 | Jung 404.512.2703
- If you will be much later than noon, you can bring your collection to the Meridian District's food collection site at the Danville LDS at 655 Old Orchard Road. They will be open till 2:30pm. After 2:30pm, you will have to take your collection to the Contra Costa Food Bank located at 4010 Nelson Avenue in Concord (925.676.7534) during their regular hours. Please let them know your collection is from the Meridian District's Scouting for food project.
Ideas to help us collect more food on the 19th!
- Knock on every door that received a door hanger and did not leave a donation. Maybe they forgot to put out their food or would give if asked.
- Tell your family and friends if they didn't get a door hanger they can still help by dropping off their food at the MPR on Nov 19th between 11am - noon
All participating scouts receive a patch.
Scouting for Food 2015
Dear Pack,
This year's Scouting for Food is scheduled for the weekend of Nov 14 (hanger distribution) and Nov 21 (collection).
For those new to scouting: this is a wonderful opportunity for our scouts to participate in a community service project. The food that we collect goes to the Contra Costa Food Bank from where it is distributed to those in need. Den leaders are responsible for ensuring their den's participation in this event.
Click on this symbol to see the area assignment for each den:
General Reminders:
- Wear Class A Scout uniform
- Drivers should have all scouts in view at all times
- Scouts are NOT to enter a donor's residence
- Bring a friend - a great way to introduce what Scouting is about
Hanger Distribution - Nov 14
- You may distribute door hangers on a different day than Nov 14
- Door hangers should be placed on the door or partially under the door mat (ensure it's visible and won't blow away)
- Do not put hangers in mailboxes
Food Pickup - Nov 21
- Food must be picked up from the same area you distributed door hangers
- Food pickup is to begin no earlier than 9:00 am
- Food must be dropped off in front of Coyote Creek MPR between 11 am and noon
Ideas to help us collect more food on the 15th!
- Knock on every door that received a door hanger and did not leave a donation. Maybe they forgot to put out their food or would give if asked.
- Tell your family and friends if they didn't get a door hanger they can still help by dropping off their food at the MPR on Nov 21st between 11am - noon
All participating scouts receive a patch.
Scouting for Food Map
Pack 1776,
This year's Scouting for Food is scheduled for Nov 9 (hanger distribution) and Nov 16 (collection).
For those new to scouting: this is a wonderful opportunity for our scouts to participate in a community service project. The food that we collect goes to the Contra Costa Food Bank from where it is distributed to those in need. Den leaders are responsible for ensuring their den's participation in this event.
Here's the area assignment for each den:
General Reminders:
- Wear Class A Scout uniform
- Drivers should have all scouts in view at all times
- Scouts are NOT to enter a donor's residence
- Bring a friend - a great way to introduce what Scouting is about
Hanger Distribution - Nov 9
- You may distribute door hangers on a different day than Nov 9
- Door hangers should be placed on the door or partially under the door mat (ensure it's visible and won't blow away)
- Do not put hangers in mailboxes
Food Pickup - Nov 16
- Food must be picked up from the same area you distributed door hangers
- Food pickup is to begin no earlier than 9:00 am
- Food must be dropped off in front of Coyote Creek MPR between 9:30 am and 11:30 am
All participating scouts receive a patch.
Scouting for Food
Hello Pack 1776,
Our pack did a great job covering all the neighborhoods assigned to us. We didn't collect as much food as we did last year, but certainly enough to make a difference.
Den leaders, please let Ammy know how many scouts participated from your den so that she can order patches.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Scouting for Food Chair
Scouting for Food Maps
Pack 1776,
We are going to collect food for the Contra Costa food bank again this year. I will leave the door hangers at John's house so the den leaders can pick them up at the committee meeting this Thursday. The den leaders are responsible for coordinating and communicating their den's participation in this event.
Here's the area assignment for each den:
The area assigned is roughly proportional to the number of scouts in each den. Note that a few of the assignments are different from last year's. As per feedback received last year, we will not be distributing flyers in apartment buildings.
General Reminders:
Wear Scout uniform
Drivers should have all scouts in view at all times
Scouts are NOT to enter a donor's residence
Bring a friend! A great way to introduce what Scouting is about
Bag Distribution - November 10
You may distribute door hangers on a different day than November 10
Door hangers should be placed on the door or partially under the door mat
(make sure it is visible and will not blow away)
Do not put hangers in mailboxes
Bag Pickup - November 17
Food must be picked up from the same area you distributed door hangers
Food pickup is to begin no earlier than 9:00 am
Food must be dropped off in front of Coyote Creek MPR between 9:30 am and 11:00 am
(a bit later is okay too, call me if you are delayed).
Anil Thomas
Scouting for Food Chair
Reminder: Scouting for Food Collection
Date: Saturday, November 20, 2010
Time: 9:00am - 11:00am
Pickup Location: Assigned areas (map)
Collection Location: Coyote Creek MPR
Our Pack will be picking up food donations this Saturday. Please start collection in your assigned area after 9am and bring the donation to outside of MPR between 10-11am.
A couple of reminders:
- Wear Class A uniforms
- Do NOT enter a donor's residence
- Parents should keep an eye on the Scouts at all times
- It may rain. Be Prepared! And be safe!
- Den leaders and/or representatives, please provide names of scouts participated so that they can be recognized.
Thank you.
Stella Lei & Ada Ip
Scouting for Food Chairs
Scouting for Food Maps and Additional Info
Pack 1776 families,
Scouting for food maps are finalized. Each den is responsible for an area as depicted below (click on the colored zone to see assignment). Door hangers will be distributed to den leaders/representatives beginning tomorrow night at the committee meeting. Participating Scouts will earn the Scouting for food patch and satisfy one of the service requirements of the Year of Celebration awards. This is a worthy cause and I hope everyone will lend a helping hand.
Thank you.
Stella Lei & Ada Ip
Scouting for Food
More than ever before, our community needs us to "Do a Good Turn Daily"!
Our pack will be participating in the Scouting for Food event which runs from November 13th-20th. The goal is to place the Scouting for Food hangers on the front door knobs in our assigned area starting November 13th. We would then pick-up the donated items on November 20th.
Each Den must assign a Den representative to pick up maps with high-lighted routes assigned to each Den and the door hangers. Please arrange to pick them up at the committee meeting this Thursday. The Den Leaders will need to coordinate their Cub Scouts hanging the door hangers on or after Nov 13th before it gets dark. The Dens will need to pick up the donations from their assigned routes after 9:00 am on Saturday November 20th and bring it to outside Coyote Creek School’s MPR between 10 AM and 11 AM.
Den leaders should ensure that their den has representation and, at a minimum, arrange for collection of the high-lighted route maps and hangers. The den leaders are responsible for coordinating and communicating their den's participation in this event.
Here is a document regarding the GENERAL event information. (Details listed in this email take precedence.) A map of your assigned area will be given to you when the Den representatives get the door hangers. Please address any questions regarding the event to Stella and Ada and cc: Cubmaster Macey and Committee Chair Steve.
Stella Lei & Ada Ip