Cub Scout Pack 1776

Limited Edition Centennial Shoulder Patch

Limited Edition

100th Anniversary

Council Shoulder Patch


9 year-old Cub Scout, Derek S. from Pack 215 in Walnut Creek has designed the winning patch to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America.

There are 3 versions of patch.

Gold Border

There are 100 numbered patches (#1-#100).

#1 and #100 will be auctioned off to the highest bidders. The auction will begin at 9am on April 5th and will close at 5pm on April 9th. The starting bid will begin at $100. The highest bidder at the end of the auction will be able to choose either #1 or #100. The 2nd highest bidder will receive the remaining number. To participate in the auction you can email your bid to Chelsea McClain at starting at 9am on April 5th. The current highest bid will be announced on our website ( every evening during the auction.

#2-#99 will be sold on a first come, first served basis for $100 starting April 12th until supplies last. You will ONLY be able to reserve them online through our website ( starting April 12th and will need to mail or bring your payment to the Council Office within 7 days of your reservation. If we do not receive your payment within those 7 days, that patch will be up for purchase again.

The purchase of these patches should be made after your historical Friends of Scouting gift has been made for 2010. All proceeds from the sale of the gold bordered patches will go to the general operating fund which supports the Scouting programs of the Mt. Diablo Silverado Council.

Silver Border

Is provided as a thank you to the first 400 patron level donors ($500+) to the 2010 Friends of Scouting Campaign.

Grey Border

$3.00 + tax available at the Pleasant Hill Scout Shop until February 2011 or while supplies last.

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