MDSC FOS Matching Gifts
Message from the Council ...

Make your FOS dollars go the extra mile……
We are wrapping up our annual Friends of Scouting Campaign and are at 58% ($509,649) of the goal ($871,000). We need your help to achieve the goal by June 30th, so we can continue to deliver a quality character building program to the youth in our communities.
A BIG THANKS to all the families and businesses that have supported the Mt. Diablo Silverado Council in 2010. If you have not already done so or would like to make an additional gift, please visit our website or click this link to make a donation now or contact your District Executive.
Make your FOS donation stretch even further by checking with your company to see if they have a matching gifts program. Hundreds of companies in our area will “match” your contribution to the FOS campaign. Many will do a direct match of your contribution, others might contribute twice your donation and some will match your volunteer hours. Please visit our website for a list of some the “matching gift” companies or visit your Human Resources Department. If your company does match, please get the proper form from your employer, complete it, and turn it in to your District Executive or the Council Service Center.
Check the website often to watch the mercury rise in our FOS Thermometer.
Thanks for your support!