Cub Scout Pack 1776

More on training

Every Scout deserves a trained leader.  And it is why we come back to training again after we have already covered this a few times.  This time, a message from our Training Chair of the Meridian district:

To Meridian Scouters,

I hope all of you are enjoying your Labor Day Weekend!!! -- May you all take a break with your families and have a wonderful weekend full of rest and fun with those you love...

Training for the Cub Scout program has changed in terms of accessibility.  Starting this month (September) all Cub Scout Position Specific training is NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE!!!

So, a quick refresher -- To be considered TRAINED in Cub Scouts you need the following:

1. Youth Protection (YPT) - Online
2. Fast Start (Den Leader, Cubmaster, or Committee) (FS) - Online
3. This is Scouting (TIS) - Online
4. Position Specific (PS) - ONLINE starting September 1st, 2010

The new ONLINE Cub Scout Position Specific training is broken out in SEVEN tracks:

1. PS - Specific Tiger
2. PS - Specific Wolf Cub
3. PS - Specific Bear Cub
4. PS - Specific Webelos
5. PS - Specific Cubmaster
6. PS - Specific Pack Trainer
7. PS - Specific Pack Committee

Each track will have 15 minutes of Introduction to Cub Scouting (this will be a repeat for most of you).  After the 15 minutes, you will then spend 10-15 minutes on the Position Specific area (e.g. Tiger or Wolf, or Bear, or Webelos etc.).  The total online training time is around 30 minutes.

To access this, please login to --> Click on Training --> E-Learning --> Cub Scout tab -- Leader Position - Specific Training.

So starting this FALL, if you have CHANGED positions (i.e. Tiger to Wolf den leader), you will need to take the Online PS course.  You DO NOT need to retake past positions (i.e. PS Tiger Online) if you have already taken, for example, Tiger PS LIVE training last year.  This rule holds true for all positions.  You only need to take the new online PS course if you are taking on a new position or are brand new to Cub Scouting.

Once you have completed the online training, your training records on is updated.  You will be prompted to print out a training card at the end of the course.  Please follow the instructions and print the training card and keep that for your records.


We will continue to offer LIVE Position Specific Training for all tracks (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Cubmaster, Pack Trainer, and Pack Committee). We have live training sessions on September 18th, October 2nd, and November 8th.  You are encouraged to attend LIVE training, if time permits, because it offer more interactive discussions and Q&A verses the online training.  At this point, it is your choice - it is VERY important that your leaders are trained (LIVE or Online -- they're BOTH GOOD!!!)  You just need to take one OR the other.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Yours In Scouting,
Ray Chan
Training Chair
Meridian District
925-548-6179 - Cell

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