Cub Scout Pack 1776

Invitations for Webelos IIs to come Rock Climbing with Troop 60

Message from Troop 60 ...

This coming Saturday, Dec 11, Troop 60 is going rock climbing at the Berkeley Ironworks.

All Webelos IIs who are interested in Troop 60 are invited to join us for the evening. We will meet there at 8pm.

The Troop will spend the entire night there, and the Webelos and their parents will be allowed to participate as late as 11pm or so. All climbers will receive an extensive safety briefing and excellent instruction to improve their technique and climbing ability.

Webelos should be accompanied by a parent/guardian, and will need to complete a Berkeley Ironworks waiver. A day pass is $12 for each climber and a full complement of equipment (shoes, helmet, harness and belaying device) is $6. Class B uniforms.

Anyone who is interested should be sure to contact our Senior Patrol Leader for the outing, Ayaz Latif -- (925) 735 6551, -- to let him know how many people to expect.

Please pass this on to any interest Webelos families and tell them to contact me if I can provide any more information. Also, there's lots more information about Troop 60 at

Anyone who is interested in Troop 60 is welcome to attend one of our Troop meetings Monday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30pm at Diablo Vista Middle School. Due to the holidays, our next meetings will be Jan 10 and 17.

-- Willy Rorke
Troop 60

More on Troop 60 ...

The two 1776 Cubmasters that bridged to Boy Scouts went to Troop 60. It has over 20 trained adults with more than half coming from the original 1776 cub pack. We have over 60 scouts from all ages and have an extensive outdoor program for boys of all skills to participate. Let me know if you would like to visit or have any questions.

Joe Magdaleno
Pack 1776 Webelos II Den Leader

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