Cub Scout Pack 1776

Webelos II Event with Troop 815

Message from Troop 815 ...

Hello Cub Scout Webelos 2 and Parents,

You are invited to join Troop 815 at Indoor Rock Climbing this weekend – Saturday, December 4, 7:30-9:30 p.m. (note time change), at Diablo Rock Gym in Concord.  This event is great fun for all the boys and very important if you’re interested in joining Troop 815.

The cost is $15 per Webelos 2 Cub Scout (free for parents, who don’t climb), which is collected at the door along with the permission slip and liability form.  I will forward the liability form later.

We’ll meet at Diablo Rock Gym, starting at 7:30 p.m.  Have your boys wear a Class B t-shirt and gym clothes.  Following a quick registration, boys will climb under the supervision of members of Troop 815.   Webelos 2 parents will stay to watch and encourage.  In addition, parents will attend a brief informational meeting hosted by Troop 815 Boy Scouts.  9:30 is an outside time; you may depart earlier but experience tells us the Webelos won’t want to leave!

Diablo Rock Gym is located at 1220 Diamond Way Suite 140, Concord.   Details in the links below.

RSVP via email with your name, your son’s name and Cub Scout Pack number.  If you have questions, call me at 925.968.1877.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

Map of area w/ directions
Diablo Rock Gym website

-Steve Swasey
Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 815
“Danville Pride Since 1969”

Steve Swasey  |  Vice President, Corporate Communications  |  Netflix  |  100 Winchester Circle  |  Los Gatos, CA  95032  |  Office: 408/540-3947  |  Cell: 925/899-8108  |

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