Blue & Gold Banquet

Date: Friday, February 11, 2011
Time: 5:30pm
Location: Coyote Creek MPR
Attire: Class A Uniform
RSVP via evite by February 3rd (Contact Lisa Cheney if you didn't receive the evite.)
Doors open at 5:30 with the ceremony starting at 5:45.
Admission is free to Scouts in good standing and their immediate family.
All rank advancement, Arrow of Light, and bridging ceremonies will take place during the evening.
Dens 1- 5 are asked to bring 1 case per den of small water bottles
Dens 6 - 11 are asked to bring 1 case per den of regular sized water bottles
Dinner is provided by Fuddruckers Catering.
YOU MUST indicate your choice of regular burger, veggie burger or hotdog when RSVP'ing
RSVP by February 3rd, we need a clear count for Fuddruckers.
History/Origin of the Blue and Gold Colors for Cubs
A blue and gold banquet is a birthday dinner for the Cub Scouting program, held during February which is the anniversary month of the Boy Scouts of America(BSA). BSA was organized in February 1910. The Cub Scouts were organized 20 years later in 1930.
The story of the Blue and Gold originates in the depression years of the 1930s. In 1933 "Cub Leaders' Round Table" suggested Parent-Cub dinners. Some of the first ones noted were in Milwaukee; Wilcox, Arizona; and Michigan City, Indiana. Pack 1 of Michigan City started the tradition of pot-lucks, but with a twist. The dads were to bring utensils made of wood and carved, sawed or whittled by the cub and his dad. Throughout the later years of the 1930s there were a number of father and son bean dinners and Cub family dinners. In the early 1940s the name "Blue and Gold Banquet started to be used and first appeared in BSA literature in 1943, although planning a family dinner had been part of Pow Wow training for two years by then. "Blue and Gold" became synonymous with "celebrating the birthday of Scouting."
According to the 1939 Cubmaster's Packbook: "The Cub colors…signify the loyalty as symbolized by the true blue of the eternal skies--while its gold represents the brightness and worth and light of the Cub's smile and happy ways."
Here's the explanation, taken from the 1961 printing of the Cubmaster's Packbook: "Blue stands for truth and spirituality, steadfast loyalty, the sky above. "Gold stands for warm sunlight, good cheer, and happiness".
Today, the Blue and Gold banquet is one of the highlights of the program year. It brings together your Pack's families for a dinner and an evening of fun. The meal is important, but even more important is the warm, congenial atmosphere created as families enjoy each other's company.
Pack 1776