Chabot Overnight Odyssey
Date: 3pm Saturday, January 22, 2011 - 11am Sunday, January 23, 2011
Location: Chabot Space and Science Center (directions)
Cost: $65 per child, $40 per adult (Dinner and breakfast provided at extra cost)
Bring: Sleeping bag, pillow, overnight clothes
Pack 1776 families,
Are you and your scouts fascinated by the Space? If you are, you won't want to miss this overnight event at Chabot Space and Science center:
Space... the ultimate adventure and it starts at Chabot! Learn everything there is to know about space. Through Chabot's overnight odyssey, real astronomers show you the ropes of what space is all about. Explore and experience the center with a scavenger hunt and a custom workshop, tour our state-of-the-art telescopes and discover the wonderful history that Chabot has to offer! Enjoy an experience like none other; take a trip into space with a spectacular planetarium show Sky Tonight. End your journey here at the center with telescope viewing. After that the real adventure begins! Stay up late, eat some popcorn and enjoy a space themed movie! Wake up in the center to start another exciting day! Have breakfast and spend time going through all of our vast exhibits. It can't get any better than this!
Look out for an evite coming soon. RSVP by Friday 1/14. Direct your questions to John Pluth and Ada Ip.
Pack 1776