Cub Scout Pack 1776

Outdoor Pack Meeting Saturday Oct 15

Date/Time: Saturday, October 15, 2-6pm
Location: Lake Chabot Regional Park, Elderberry picnic area (lake chabot map) (directions)
Cost: $5 parking, or park outside the park for free
Attire: Class A
Bring: Personal canteen or water bottle and jacket.

Hello Pack 1776 Families!

Just a quick reminder and invitation to our Outdoor Pack Meeting, Saturday Oct 15, from 2:00 to 6:00 at Lake Chabot Regional Park in Castro Valley. We are at the Elderberry picnic area (entrance to the picnic area is towards the end of the parking lot). See detail map here.

Like our indoor MPR pack meetings, all cubs and leaders should wear their snappy Class A uniforms, and get ready for the an event full of fun, crafts and entertainment.

Here's what we have in store:

2:00 Activity: Hiking Stick
The boy's will build their own personal hiking stick, to keep, decorate and use on future hikes.

2:15 Pack Hike
Tiger/Wolf hike along the lake, Bear/Webelos hike in the wilds of Castro Valley.

3:45-4:00 Skit Practice with Dens
"What's my line again?" Rehearsal makes for a great performance! Everyone does a skit, even the den leaders. Get ready to sing, dance and crack up at the funny skits. Say "good-bye" to "shy"!

4:05-5:05 Pack Meeting
Awards, and a special presentation of the Bobcat Badges to our new cubs as we welcome them to Pack 1776 by Committee Chair Steve and me.

5:00 Smores
When you're outdoors, they go great with the great outdoors.

If you're a little late, don't worry. Even if you miss the hike, we'll still have a fun pack event.

Other key notes of information:

Lake Chabot Regional Park
17500 Lake Chabot Road
Elderberry Picnic Site
Castro Valley
CA, 94546

To Reach The Park
From San Ramon, I-680 South to connect on I-580 westbound, take the Strobridge Avenue exit. Turn right on Strobridge, right on Castro Valley Boulevard (take the left lane as soon as possible, and left on Lake Chabot Road. The Lake Chabot Marina is about two miles ahead on the right. (map)  From I-580 in San Leandro, exit at Fairmont Drive and go east (uphill). The marina entrance will be to the left at the bottom of the hill.

$5 parking fee but there are free parking outside the park, depending on the time of the day, there should be plenty.

Water and capri sun will be provided otherwise bring your own picnic and relax with the family.

We are encouraging people to bring personal canteen or water bottle and we'll have water station for refill.

Bring jacket just in case the weather change.

Cubmaster John

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