BSA Innovation Challenge
Do you have an inventor, a builder, a creator, or a dreamer at home? Young minds have wild imaginations so they can usually think of some pretty wild and out-there inventions! While not all are possible, some can be taken to the next level and actually become a real-life product. Obviously, young people don't understand patents or the development process so they need help from people like InventHelp to get the whole thing patented. If you know someone in the Scouts who has a mind full of ideas, check this out!
The BSA has teamed with Edison Nation®, an idea-to-shelf product developer, to create the Boy Scouts of America Innovation Challenge, where today's kids can develop tomorrow's products. Whether the invention solves a problem around the house, the yard, or at school; helps you take better care of your pet; or creates a new way to learn or play, the goal of the BSA and Edison Nation is to inspire young minds to submit their creative, new product ideas.
Edison Nation will invest up to $1 million to develop the selected ideas and help bring them to market. Selected inventors will receive a cash advance, royalties for life from the sale of their products, be named the "inventor" on any issued patents, and have an opportunity to appear on the award-winning Everyday Edisons television series. The challenge is open to all boys and girls ages 7 to 21, and does not require that the young person be associated with the BSA to submit ideas or be selected as an "inventor."
For more information, read the complete BSA news release and head over to Edison Nation's website to submit your idea. Hurry. The program ends May 7th 2012!