Cub Scout Pack 1776

2012 Cub Scout Day Camp Frontier Days!

Pack 1776,

Registration of 2012 Cub Scout Day Camp is now open. Early Bird sign up discounts is $165 before 4/20/2012 (that is $33/day!). Older siblings (junior helpers) can help. Younger siblings (tags) can attend. Details and registration information below.

Date: June 25 – 29th , 2012, Monday – Friday
Time: 9 am – 3:30 pm everyday, except Friday ends at 2 pm
Location: Little Hills Ranch in San Ramon, end of Bollinger Canyon Road (map)

Register early.
This camp has filled up every year!!

What: A week long camp filled with sports, archery, swimming, knot tying, engineering work, whittling, BB guns, crafts, skits, songs, and daily entertainment shows with about 400 other scouts from our district. Scouts will be able to earn various badges.  More info here.  Go here to see what our scouts achieved last year.

Cost: $165 per scouts before 4/20/2012
$180 before 5/25/2012
$195 starting 5/25/2012
$ 20 for TAGS

Who: Any scout from Tigers to Webelos II, using his Fall 2012 rank. If your scout will be an incoming Tiger (entering 1st grade) his adult needs to attend each day too. If your scout has graduated from 5th grade (entering 6th grade or above in Fall 2012 and at least 11 years old) he can volunteer as a Junior Helper for no charge. Jr. Helpers must attend one evening of training.

Volunteers: This camp is entirely organized and staffed by volunteers. Our pack must provide one adult volunteer for every six scouts attending. Adults attending all day for all the five days will receive a steep discount on the registration fee for one scout. Also, adults volunteering all week will be able to bring their potty-trained to pre-school age child to the TAG program for $20. Every adult that attends camp, even if for only half a day, needs to take the “Youth Protection Training”, needs to register as a volunteer, and fill out a medical form. Adult volunteers must attend one evening of training.

Registering for camp requires three steps:

  1. Register at:
  2. Print, fill out, and sign the medical form and shooting permission form.  Attach a copy of BOTH sides of your scout’s insurance card.
  3. Turn in a copy of your registration and your filled out medical form and shooting permission form to CC Steve. Every person at camp must register and turn in the required forms with a copy of his registration receipt.


Stella the webmaster

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