Cub Scout Pack 1776

Pack Meeting Tomorrow in the MPR April 18

Hi Cub Scouts of Pack 1776!

Don't forget, we have a Pack Meeting tomorrow, Wednesday evening at the MPR, 7:00.

Many of you will be advancing to the next levels of scouting. You have worked so hard this year in your den meetings under the guidance of our World Class Den Leaders and parents, that you have completed your achievements.

Awards Chair Ammy Pluth picked up all of the necessary awards. (She loves to shop, by the way).

Tigers are graduating to Wolves

Wolves are graduating to Bears

Bears are graduating to Webelos I's

Remember at our last meeting, Webelos I's graduated to Webelos II. Pretty cool, now it's your turn.

We will sing a couple of songs. Since you guys are grown up, I say we pull out the Marshall Amp and Gibson Les Paul, save the acoustic for camping.

Plus, Committee Chair Steve and I have a surprise graduation present for you. It's a surprise. That means you have to see it for yourself! You'll need it for our last pack meeting of the year in May.

Get Ready to Rock and Roll Forward Tomorrow!

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