Cub Scout Pack 1776

9/11 Memorial Ceremony September 11th Coyote Creek

Hi Pack 1776 Families,

Coyote Creek Elementary has invited Pack 1776 to participate in the opening flag ceremony for their 9/11 Memorial that they are planning to have at the school this coming Tuesday morning, September 11th at 8:30am.

For those cubs who want to participate, you must arrive in front of the school office at 7:45am so that we can practice and know where we need to be before ceremony. All scouts who participate must wear their full Class A uniforms. They can change into class B shirts or regular clothes after the ceremony, if they want.

We plan to also have a practice dress towards the end of the Welcome Back Kickoff event this coming Saturday, so please try and attend.

Please RSVP to me by Saturday's Welcome Back event so that I can get an estimate of interested cubs .


Best Regards,

Yuji Yamada
Committee Chair
Pack 1776

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