MDSC Announcement on Youth Protection
Youth Protection
Dear Scouting family,
This weekend, the LA Times ran a story concerning the Boy Scout confidential youth protection files, which are being released.
As you know, Youth Protection is of paramount importance to the Boy Scouts of America and we have established a multi-tiered approach focused on effective volunteer screening, education and training, and clear policies to protect youth. As part of this effort we have, and will continue to use, Ineligible Volunteer Files (IV Files) to screen and keep individuals whose actions are inconsistent with the standards of Scouting out of the program.
Last June, an Oregon court ordered the BSA IV Files that were submitted as evidence in trial should be released. The BSA has argued that the confidentiality of these reports helps us protect Scouts. We believe that victims and their families have the right to choose for themselves whether to share their stories publicly, and people are more likely to come forward to report real or perceived misconduct if they can do so confidentially. The Oregon State Supreme Court recently ordered that those files be made public in redacted form and these files are expected to receive significant media coverage.
The IV Files involved are 25-45 years old and the media is likely to focus its attention on that time period. Scouting's Youth Protection policies and procedures have evolved and been strengthened significantly since then. Today our programs are cited by leading experts in child welfare as examples to be emulated by other youth serving groups. That said, the best prevention requires constant vigilance and we will never waiver in our efforts to protect the youth entrusted to our care. As we often say in Scouting, "Youth Protection begins with you." That means each and every one of us shares in this important responsibility. You can learn additional details about our youth protection efforts by visiting
As you know, and as the website above describes in greater detail, Scouting has in place mandatory reporting policies concerning abuse. If you have a good-faith suspicion or belief that any child is or has been physically or sexually abused, we ask that you notify local authorities and me, as your local Scout Executive.
If you should receive any media inquiries on this subject, please forward them directly to or 855-870-2178.
Thank you for all you do to help ensure Scouting is a safe place for all.
John C. Fenoglio
Scout Executive/CEO
Mt. Diablo Silverado Council