Cub Scout Pack 1776

Pack Meeting March 11 Cake Decorating Contest

Date: March 11, 2015
Time: 7-8pm
Location: MPR

Hi Everyone,

Our annual cake baking contest is coming up soon on March 11 ! We wanted to pass along the ground rules so that you can be ready to bring in the most spectacular cake you can.

Every Cub Scout (including Siblings) is encouraged to enter a cake in the cake decorating contest! The Cub Scout and an adult should plan, bake and decorate their cake together. Pick one of the categories below and HAVE FUN! Remember this is a project for the kids! The adult should be there to assist, but let the kids have fun creating something wonderful.


  • Cake check-in will take place from 7:00 – 7:15 pm.
  • Do not put any names or den numbers on the cakes. You will be issued a number for your cake when you check-in.
  • The entire cake must be completely edible.
  • No store bought cakes please. You may use boxed cake mixes, icing mixes or pre-made icing and decorations but you must mix and decorate your own cake.
  • Crackers, cookies, candy and other solid foods may be used for decorations.
  • A cake may be judged in only one category award and the cake’s appropriate category will be selected by the judges.

Awards will be given for the following CATEGORIES:

  • Tallest Cake
  • Funniest Cake
  • Most Original or Unique Cake
  • Most Patriotic
  • Most Creative
  • Most Appetizing
  • Best Sports Theme
  • Best Cub Scout Theme
  • Judge’s Choice

Looking forward to see everyone's creations !
Pack Commitee

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