Cub Scout Pack 1776

April Hike Little Yosemite

Date: Saturday, April 30, 2016
Time: 10:00am
Location: Little Yosemite, Sunol Regional Wilderness, Sunol
Meeting Point: Parking lot near the Old Green Barn Visitor Center
Attire: Class A or B
Awards: Trail Trekkers Cub Scout Patch/Progressive Hike Award
Parking Fee: $5
RSVP: Evite
Contact: Hiking Chair Siddharth Bhatia

Little Yosemite is a scenic gorge with gorgeous waterfalls and pools.

The Canyon View Trail is an excellent hike for Cub Scouts and a great way to get to Little Yosemite. The trail begins near the Visitor Center, at the bridge that crosses the creek. After crossing the bridge, turn right and head upstream. The Canyon View trail is well marked. The trail goes up a ridge (or two) and proceeds along the hillsides that border the creek. Along the way, you'll see some nice views of the creek and canyon. About halfway, the trail drops down into Jacobs valley. Stay on the trail until you get to Cerro Este Road and turn right (toward the creek) and follow the road to Little Yosemite. When you get to the outhouse on Camp Ohlone Road, cross the road where you will find a path that will take you down the very steep sides of the creek's banks, to the ancient piles of boulders called Little Yosemite.

This is a perfect place for boys to study rocks and have lunch. Remember collecting specimens is not allowed. Watch for poison oak.

Hikes can return the same way they came, or via the Ohlone Road for a different view of the park. To return via Ohlone Road simple climb back up the bank to the road (stay on the trail), downhill. Notice how different the vegetation is here by Alameda Creek, compared to the Canyon View Trail. Eventually you will cross a bridge, pass a gate and find yourself in a remote parking area. Stay on the paved road all the way back to the Visitor Center.)

Getting there:
Go south on I-680 and exit at Calaveras Road/Highway 84 just south of the town of Pleasanton. Turn left onto Calaveras Road and proceed to Geary Road, which leads directly into the park.

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