May 21, 2020: Virtual Pack Meeting & Bingo Night!

- DATE: May 21, 2020
- TIME: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- LOCATION: ZOOM Video Conference
- UNIFORM: Class A
Come join us for another night of fun with Pack 1776 Virtual Pack Meeting. Following our Opening Ceremony, Cubmaster's Minute and Award session, we will jump in for some Bingo fun. Prizes will be available for the winners!
Bingo cards and the Zoom log in information will be emailed to all registered scouts. Even if you are not a registered Scout and are thinking of joining Cub Scout Pack 1776, email us a cubmaster@pack1776.com for information on how to join our Virtual Pack Meeting and to received your Bingo card! We'd love to have you join our pack!