Cub Scout Pack 1776

Smoke Signals May

Smoke Signals is a monthly newsletter published by Mount Diablo Silverado Council. The May issue is now available for download.

Find out the latest on Blackhawk 500, Family Flight Day, and training opportunities.


6th Annual ScoutReach Golf Tournament

Who: All Packs, Troops, Teams, Crews and Ships
When: May 2, 2011
Where: Hiddenbrooke Golf Club, Vallejo - "An Arnold Palmer Signature Course"
Why: To support ScoutReach programs in the Mt. Diablo Silverado Council
Cost: Foursome is $500, Individual Golfer is $150, Unit Tee/Green Sponsor is $100.


The Early-Bird registration deadline for the ScoutReach Golf Tournament has been extended to this Wednesday, April 27th, 8am. The time to sign up is NOW!

Come join us on Monday, May 2nd, at the Hiddenbrooke Golf Club in Vallejo for a wondful day of golf and to help raise money for Scouting.

Individual golfer fee is $150 if you register by this Wednesday (April 27, 2011). Sponsorship opportunities are available to golfers, and non-golfers. We are also encouraging Packs, Teams, Troops, Crews, and Posts to put together a foursome to compete in our annual "Unit Challenge." Please talk to your Parent's Committee and Scouts to register now!

Please visit our website for more information and to register NOW!

For more information and to sign up for the tournament please visit


Blackhawk 500

Date: Saturday, May 21, 2011
Location: Blackhawk Auto Museum - 3700 Blackhawk Plaza Cir. Danville, CA 94506
Cost: $25

The 12th Annual Mt. Diablo Silverado Pinewood Derby Championship is coming to the Blackhawk Auto Museum in Danville on May 21st, 2011! All Cubs from within the Council are invited to participate.

There will be racing, a design competition & great food. During the event the whole family can tour the Blackhawk Museum's magnificent auto collection and the fabulous exhibits. There will be tons of neat stuff to see and do! Wear your Scout uniform and get in free.

Registration info and event rules will be available at Please contact Tim Welty with any questions at (925) 674-6125 or by email.


Smoke Signals April

Smoke Signals is a monthly newsletter published by Mount Diablo Silverado Council. The April issue is now available for download.

Find out the latest on Blackhawk 500, Cub family camps, Scoutreach golf tournament, and many more.


Friends of Scouting News

News from the Meridian district:

Things are really rolling along for FOS in our district. We are at 20% of our goal having already raised just over $23K!

Top 5 FOS Units (as of Feb 23):

    1. Pack 36 - $8,270
    2. Troop 36 - $4,534
    3. Troop 805 - $2,565
    4. Pack 1776 - $2,341
    5. Troop 815 - $1,240

Thank you, Pack 1776!! There is still time if you have not contributed yet. Donations are tax-deductible and can be made online at the Council's website.


Smoke Signals March

Smoke Signals is a monthly newsletter published by Mount Diablo Silverado Council. The March issue is now available for download.

Find out the latest on Blackhawk 500, Cub family camps, Cub Scout rangemaster training, Scoutreach golf tournament, distinguished citizen luncheon, and many more.


Mt Diablo Silverado Council Friends of Scouting Campaign

Hi Pack 1776,

Every February our Pack participates in the annual Friends of Scouting fundraising campaign for the Mt Diablo Silverado Council, and I’m writing to ask you to join my family in supporting this effort for the Council. I will be giving a brief Friends of Scouting presentation at the Blue & Gold dinner this Friday, and I put together the information below to hopefully answer some questions you may have.

Why support the Council?

The Mt Diablo Silverado Council serves over 14,000 scouts in Contra Costa, Solano, Napa, Lake, and northern Alameda counties. The Council’s 2011 annual budget is $2,984,598 and 29% of those funds come from the Friends of Scouting campaign. Here is how the Council spends the $2,984,598…85% on programs and activities, 9% on fundraising, and 6% on administration. So you can be assured your contribution will be used wisely for programs and activities. The activities and services provided by the Council are training, camp Herms and Wolfeboro, recruiting materials, administrative services, professional services, insurance, and most everything we need to run Pack 1776.

How do I donate?

Pledge cards and envelopes will be passed out by the Den leaders to the families in their dens at the Blue & Gold dinner Friday. Families are asked to complete the pledge card, and then return the pledge card and their donation or pledge to their Den leader Friday night. I need to turn in the pledge cards and donations next week.

What are my options for donating?

Cash, check, or credit cards are accepted, and should be collected the night of the Blue & Gold dinner. Donating Friday may not be convenient for some, so pledges are another convenient option and can be spread out over time. Pledges for $25 can be taken and reminders mailed. Pledges can be annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly.

How much should I donate?

The Council estimates it costs approximately $185 annually to support each scout, and this is the amount Council hopes each family will contribute. Pack 1776 families have been very generous in the past…some families give more than the recommended amount, some give the recommended amount, some give less. At the end of the day, this is a personal decision, and all contributions regardless of amount are appreciated.

Is my donation tax deductable?


Want to supersize your donation?

Check with your employer to see if they have a matching gift program.

View the presentation by Lynne Leach, Mt Diablo Silverado Council President, former member of the California State Assembly.  The presentation is only 4 minutes long, and provides additional information.

On a personal note, fundraising is not something I gravitate to, but I sincerely believe in the Boy Scouts of America and support the Mt Diablo Silverado Council Friends of Scouting campaign with all my heart. As a boy growing up, I was both a Cub Scout and Boy Scout in the Mt Diablo Silverado Council, and I was fortunate enough to attend many of the events and camps supported by the Council. As a Boy Scout, I went to Camp Wolfeboro 4 consecutive years and had the time of my life. In scouting I established friendships with guys that are still great friends to this day. I could not have experienced all that I did if it weren’t for the generous folks that supported the Council then. Now it’s time for me to give back, and I hope you will join me and support the Council’s Friends of Scouting campaign.

Please contact me directly with any questions or comments.


Steve Jackson
Committee Chairperson, Pack 1776
Friends of Scouting Chairperson, Pack 1776


Friends of Scouting

Many of you have participated in Council events like family camps, day camps, webel-o-ree, marksmanship days, etc. just to name a few.  These fun and educational programs would not have existed without your support.  Accept the friend request and be a friend of Scouting.

You will hear more about it soon. Meanwhile, find out more about the Friends of Scouting campaign at the Council's website and this video.


Smoke Signals February

Smoke Signals is a monthly newsletter published by Mount Diablo Silverado Council. The February issue is now available for download.

Find out what happened at L.E.A.D. and read on for news on Friends of Scouting, Equipment Swap, National Scout week, Cub Scout Day Camp, and many more.


L.E.A.D 2011 Online Registration Extended!

News from Mt Diablo Silverado Council ...

L.E.A.D. "Leader Education and Discovery"

(Combined Pow Wow and University of Scouting)
Mt. Diablo Silverado Council’s mid-winter escape to Scouting paradise will be held at
Diablo Valley College on Saturday, January 22, 2011.

Online Registration for L.E.A.D. 2011 EXTENDED to 11:59PM on Monday January 17, 2011.
You don't want to miss out!!

If you have not registered yet, Register Now!!

You don't want to miss out on hearing our fabulous Keynote Speaker - Mr. Chuck Smith - Silver Antelope recipient.  We also have Lynne Leach speaking as our Council President.

Visit to sign up, view courses and the schedule.


This is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY to LEARN more of what is available for your SCOUTING PROGRAM and to NETWORK with fellow Scouters and potential contributors from outside Scouting.

Classes are available for leaders of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers. Subjects for NEW leaders as well as EXPERIENCED leaders are covered.

Classes are available for you to fulfill leadership requirements and to enhance your knowledge of our programs. You will also be able to learn more about camping, cooking, paddling and exciting things to do with your Scouts.

Did you know that every youth facing leader will need to be position specific trained by the end of 2011? You can get this training at L.E.A.D.!!

The curriculum is designed to help you and your Scouts thrive! The Luau program features will give you new insights for Scouting opportunities!

Invest in the future – YOUR future successes as a Scout leader, and the continuing interest and engagement of your Scouts. Join us at the Luau!

Yours in Scouting,
Adrianne Kordelos

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