Blue & Gold Agenda Wrapup
The Blue and Gold banquet again proved to be one of the highlights of our Scouting year.
It brought together our Pack's families for a dinner and an evening of fun. The tri-tip, chicken & spaghetti meal was super yummy, but even more important was the warm, congenial atmosphere created as families enjoy each other's company.
The entertainment was awesome! Special thanks to Timothy James & his fantastic magic show. He truly kept the audience entertained. For those who got to stay until the end, naturalist Red & Hayley showed us all the cool dance moves with their rendition of the shindizzle!
For those of you who want to share pictures & videos, we encourage you to post them on . All the posting instructions can be found on our Pack website.
Another BIG "THANK YOU!" to the Blue & Gold organizers who helped make this one of the best events that our Pack has ever put on. I’d like to take the time to recognize them:
Scott E
Susan K
Susan L
Lydell B
Kim D
Terry H
Pam M
Bill M
And finally, congratulations once again to the graduating Webelos. It is particularly touching for me personally as I known most of them since their first grade Tiger cub year. I was honored to be their den leader for 3 years & their Cubmaster for the last two years.
These are a special group of young men.
& Vatsal
Thank you for being a special part of our Pack. We’ll miss you all & we wish you the very best in your Scouting futures.
Yours in Scouting,
Cubmaster Ed
Jaguar Hike – Mission Accomplished
Today's hike was not a comfortable one. After 75 minutes of walking briskly we were soaking wet.
But hikes are not supposed to be easy.
This hike was a good preparation for scouts who one day will interview the Jaguar people in the Amazon forest.
The jaguar hike (aka Lafayette reservoir) was a great character building event centered on endurance.
Eka and I want to recognize the following scouts who completed it:
- Warren H
- Andrew K
- Jacob K
- Colin H
- Thomas M
- Matthew I
Blue & Gold Agenda
As you know, we are having our annual Blue & Gold banquet this Friday night. For those of you who are new to scouting, the blue and gold banquet is where we celebrate the birthday of Scouting. This year is extra special as we are celebrating our 100th anniversary of Scouting in America. We will also be celebrating the Webelos II Cub Scouts bridging to Boy Scouts. This is our ceremony to honor their transition.
Cub Scouts and leaders should wear their full Class A uniform as this is THE formal event of the year. There will be awesome food, outstanding entertainment, and guaranteed fun for all.
Seating is limited due to the MPR capacity & we had to have a proper head count for the food order, so hopefully everyone responded to the evite.
Here is an agenda for Friday’s events. We plan to start promptly at 5:30.
2010 B&G Agenda (theme: BSA 100th Bday!)
-4:35 Start setup/decorations
-510 Gathering-Bears Den 4
-530 Opening Flag/ Welcome
-535 Food
+ Slide Show-during food
+ Friends of Scouting Presentation
+ photo
+ Happy Birthday CAKE!
-630 Magician
-710 Webelos II- Arrow of Light and Bridging
-745 Shindizzle
-825 Closing/ CleanUp
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Yours in Scouting,
Cubmaster Ed
2010 Pinewood Derby Wrapup
We hope you all had fun at today’s Pinewood derby festivities.
Lots of Thank You’s to all the volunteer parents:
PWD chairman- Joe M
PWD chairman- Russ D
PWD chairman- Harry B
2010 PWD announcer- Steve B
Food booth organizers- Jen R, Cathy V, Lisa C, Kim D, and Robert R
And all the volunteer parents who helped with the race setup & handling!
Last but not least, I’d like to thank Macey Z, who donated his time & efforts to make the super cool PWD Driver’s license.
Everyone’s time, energy, dedication and support for the pack are much appreciated! We are a volunteer organization & all the volunteers make this possible.
Again congratulations to the speed winners:
First- Alexander B
Second- Jacob L
Third- Brandon B
Also congratulations to the artistic winners:
Spirit of Scouting: JT F (Zamboni)
Most Realistic: Tie between Brian L (Wii) and AJ L (Speedy McQueen)
Most Similar to a Race Car: Kai P (Formula One Car)
Most Fun Car: Raghau M (Yoshi)
One of the fun things about a big group is not only sharing pictures, but sharing memories! If you took any pictures or videos from the event, please upload them to our Pack photo site (details here).
Cubmaster PWD notes:
When I take a moment to contemplate all the Pinewood derby cars, I realize that an awful lot of painstaking work went into each one. There is much creativity and ingenuity represented. I don't know, but I imagine that each car was designed to be the fastest. Of course, there was only one winning CAR, but I contend to say that all of the CUBS were winners. This is why we choose to give a trophy to all the participants.
Building the car helped bring dad and son closer together. Mom was proud of her son whether she gave him a hug of congratulations or comfort. The boys gained a better knowledge of competition; how to win, how to lose, how to be happy for a friend. The leaders, in the pride they felt knowing that each of their boys had done their best.
Yes, there are only winners!
Thank you all for helping to make the pack go and the Cub Scouts grow! Most of all, I hope all the families had fun with your scouts! Activities like this will make memories of a lifetime!
Congratulations to all of us winners!
Cubmaster Ed
PWD Car Kits & Upcoming Pack Events
Pack 1776 Families-
We hope you all enjoyed the Down & Derby Movie night & the tour of the Blackhawk Auto Museum at last week’s Pack meeting. It is truly one of the finest auto museums in the world. Hopefully it got all the scouts revved up for the upcoming Pinewood derby race!
For those of you who missed the last two Pack meetings, we passed out Pinewood Derby Kits to all the scouts. If you missed the meetings & want a kit for your Scout (free) or Sibling ($5/kit), send me an email & we'll arrange for your scout to get a PWD kit.
The PWD race is Sunday January 31.
Other upcoming events include:
- Friday Jan 15- Scout night with the Warriors
- Th-Sat Jan 21-23- Adventure Base 100 Tour - Sacramento
- Saturday Jan 23- L.E.A.D. training
- Saturday Jan 30- PWD weigh-in & impound
- Saturday Feb 13- Scout Day w/ Cal Bear Basketball
- Friday Feb 19- Blue & Gold Banquet Pack Meeting
Until then, the Pack 1776 leadership team wish all of you & your families are having a wonderful New Year!
Yours in Scouting,
Cubmaster Ed
Pinewood Derby Driver’s License Photos
The photos taken at Blackhawk Museum is now available on the Pack Photo Site. These photos will be inserted into a Pinewood Derby Driver's License template I made. I'll get these printed, laminated and to the pack on Derby Day.
Please check that the name spellings and den assignments are correct. There are 4 photos that I do not have the scout's name or den. Any help in identifying these boys would be appreciated.
Any scouts that missed their photo on the 10th can take their picture at weigh-ins on the 30th. It will be during the first 30 minutes of the scheduled weigh-in time.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Macey Z
Den 6
Pinewood Derby® Planning Steps
Pack 1776 Scouters-
As you all know, we have our annual Pinewood derby race coming up at the end of the month. For those of you that are new to scouting or those who just need a refresher course, here are some planning steps that may help in making a Pinewood Derby® car. Remember, while Pinewood Derbies® gives a Cub Scout and an adult a project to complete as a team, we should encourage each scout to do as much of the car building as possible.
Step 1: Design the Car's Body
Choose your favorite design. Outline it onto your paper template or graph paper. Remember to maintain a width of 1-3/4 inches where the metal axle is to be inserted. Then outline the bare block of wood onto the paper. Keep the design simple enough to avoid overly intricate or detailed cutting.
Step 2: Shape the Car's Body
- When deciding how detailed you want your car to be, keep in mind the tools you have available: saws, drills, sanders, etc. Consider safety as well. Usually, the adult makes the major cuts with the power tools and then lets the youth file and complete the sanding.
- Check the axle grooves to ensure that each is at a perfect 90-degree angle to the car body. A car with untrue axles tends to steer to one side or the other, causing it to rub up against the side of the lane strip, slowing it down.
- Cut away the large sections of waste wood to get close to your etching of the final design. This makes it easier to shape and detail your design. It’s much harder to add wood if you overcut your original design.
- Do not forget to have a place for weight if you need it. Weight may be placed anywhere as long as it is not taped on and does not exceed the specifications.
Step 3: Inspect the Wheels
- Only the official wheels are acceptable.
- Wheels can be sanded to remove surface imperfections, but the treads must be left flat.
- Inspecting the wheels is important. Make sure all wheels roll freely and smoothly around the axle. Get a drill bit that fits just inside the wheel where the axle fits. This cleans out the roughness and burrs that cause wheels to not spin freely.
Step 4: Insert Axels
- Check each axle for a burr on the underside of the head.
- To let the wheels run as freely as possible, place an axle in a hand-drill chuck to hold it steady, then smooth the burrs with a fine emery cloth or file.
- To fine-tune your axles, polish them with jeweler’s rouge or fine emery paper. These items can be purchased at a local hardware store.
Step 5: Paint
After shaping and sanding your car to your satisfaction, prime it, sand it with fine sandpaper, and add additional coats of paint or a "skin". Do not glue details on yet.
Step 6: Install Wheels and Axles
Put the axles and wheels on the car, but don’t glue axles on at this point. Weigh your car, being sure to place the car and the accessories (driver, steering wheel, roll bar, etc.) on the scale.
Step 7: Add Weights
- The car may not weigh more than five ounces. Get your car as close to that weight as possible.
- If you do not have a scale, the U.S. Postal Service or a supermarket might weigh your car for you. Our Pack 1776 Pinewood Derby® Committee has an official scale for you to use at the weigh-in the day before the race.
- Weight must not be taped on. The car may be hollowed out and weight inserted to build it up to the maximum weight. Make sure it is securely attached or built into the body of the car so as to not fall off the car and onto the track.
Step 8: Test the Car
- Once weight is securely mounted, slip wheels back on. Place car on a long, flat surface, such as a floor, and give it a gentle push. The car should travel in a straight line for a reasonable distance (five to ten feet).
Step 9: Lubricate the Car
- Lube and mount the wheels permanently. Dry, fine powdered lube works best. Dust a little powdered lube in the hole of the wheel where the axle is inserted, some on the axle where the wheel rides, and a little at the axle head.
- Slide the axles and wheels onto the car and glue into place. Use an epoxy or nonresin glue, and make sure you don’t get any on the surface of the axle where the wheel rides.
Step 10: Accessorize the Car
Make sure accessories are securely mounted on the car. Add stripes and decals if desired.
To ensure the highest level of success and fun in your Pinewood Derby® experience, make safety your top priority. Here are some useful guidelines for maintaining safety:
- Gather your safety essentials: dust mask, goggles, and latex gloves.
- Wear eye protection at all times.
- Monitor Cub Scouts’ use of tools.
- Wear dust mask when appropriate.
- Work in a well-lighted and well-ventilated area.
- Consider wearing gloves when using sharp tools.
- Do not wear loose-fitting clothing.
- Do not melt lead; handle lead with care.
- Follow all safety rules and precautions listed on the tools and products you use.
- Keep your work area clean and organized.
Most of all, have fun with your scouts! Activities like this will make memories of a lifetime!
Yours in Scouting,
Cubmaster Ed
Pack Committee Meeting – Minutes
Date: Thursday, January 7, 2010
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Den Leaders:
- Tiger Cub Den 3 – co-Leader Lou S
- Tiger Cub Den 7 – co-Leader Steve J
- Wolves Den 8 – co-Leader John P, co-Leader John F
- Wolves Den 9 – Assistant Ada I
- Wolves Den 10 – co-Leader Robert R
- Bears Den 4 – not represented
- Bears Den 5 – Assistant Ching E
- Bears Den 6 – Leader Macey Z
- Webelos I Den 1 –co-Leader Brad C
- Webelos I Den 2 – Leader Joe M
- Webelos II Den 12 –co-Leader Bill M
Pack Leadership:
- Committee Chair – Scott E
- Cubmaster – Ed L
- Treasurer – Ching E
- Awards Chair – Drew M(excused)
- Camping Chair – Gapps N
Reports from the Chairs
- Pack Meeting, Movie Night @ Blackhawk Museum – January 10, 2010
- Pack Meeting – Structure and Conduct
- Den leaders and parents should actively manage the Scouts. Scouting event are not drop-off or “cruise control” events. All adults should participate and lead by example.
- New Scout process and Den management discussion
Pine Wood Derby Committee
- Pinewood Derby Weigh-in, January 30, 2010, 1-3 PM @ Russ D’s home
- Pinewood Derby Race, January 31, 2010, an electric start costing $90 was review and approved, additional PWD race details to follow
- Current balance is $8,300
- Reimbursement checks were reviewed, approved, and distributed
Committee Chair
- Den award packets were distributed
- Den Leader registration/training is on-going. The Pack will most likely be required to complete a training form for each individual leader and submit them to council.
- Den Leader reports – The den leaders present did not report any issues with their Scouts progressing toward Rank advancement
- The Pack 1776 Website continues to provide a wealth of information. Check it out today at
- The next Meridian District Roundtable is January 28th
- Blue and Gold Ceremony – Need to identify committee chairs and approach them for commitment (CC Scott, CM Ed, WDL Bill to lead this effort)
Camping Chair – events and status
- Lake DeValle (Punta Vaca) – third weekend in April (16-18th )
- Bridalveil Creek Campground for Summer! Obtaining a reservation for both group sites will be key.
Hiking co-Chairs – hikes and status
- January, February, March hike – CC Scott to follow-up with Hiking Chairs on status
Key future dates and other topics
- 01/09/2010 (Sat) : Cub Leader Training. Times vary. Contact Scott Kubik
- 01/15/2010 (Fri) : Scout Night Warriors Game. 7:30 PM - Steve J to lead
- 01/26/2010 (Sat) : Leader Education and Development (LEAD 2010). Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill.
- 02/06/2010 (Sat) : Cub Leader Training. Times vary. Contact Scott Kubik
- 02/13/2010 (Sat) : Scout Day for Cal Basketball. 1 PM
- 02/19/2010 (Fri) : Mt.Diablo Silverado Council Boy Scouts of America Annual Recognition Dinner. 6:30 PM
- 02/26/2010 (Fri) : Family Fun Bingo Night.
- 03/06/2010 (Sat) : BALOO (BASIC ADULT LEADER OUTDOOR ORIENTATION). 8:30am-4pm. Vallejo Area. Contact Mike Rettinhouse
- 08/27-29/2010 : WOOD BADGE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. Camp Herms. Contact Steve Pierce or Craig Gridley
- 09/24-26/2010 : WOOD BADGE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. Camp Herms. Contact Steve Pierce or Craig Gridley
- TBD: Dad’s night out - Brad C to lead