L.E.A.D 2013
Date: Saturday, January 26, 2013
Time: 8am - 5pm
Location: Diablo Valley College, 321 Golf Club Road, Pleasant Hill (Campus Map)
Cost: $35 through January 2, $45 through January 20, $55 on-site (reimbursable upon successful completion of training)
Scout "Leader Education And Discovery" (L.E.A.D.) is a full day of relevant, inspiring, and required Adult Leader classes with sessions in all Scouting aspects, from outdoor skills to national policies. This is a great opportunity for all leaders to build their Scouting network.
Visit http://www.bsa-mdsc.org/lead to sign up, view course schedule and descriptions. Class sizes are limited so register early.
Save the Date for LEAD 2012
Save the date for L.E.A.D scheduled for Saturday, January 21, 2012.
Scout "Leader Education And Discovery" (L.E.A.D.) is a full day of relevant, inspiring, and required Adult Leader classes held at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill by MDSC. Dozens of sessions will be available to support leader competence in all Scouting aspects, from outdoor skills to national policies. This is also the best opportunity for leaders to build their network and be inspired by successful Scouters who have experience with issues and opportunities that are common in many units.
More information about class schedules, instructors, and registration will be coming soon. While that is being finalized, we wanted to let you know about this important event so you can get it into your personal calendars immediately. We look forward to seeing you on January 21.
Craig Gridley
Course Director
Scout "Leader Education and Discovery"
Leader Training
Below is all the basics you need to know about getting trained in your position for Cub Scouts. Most of the training can be completed online at the Online Learning Center @ Scouting.org
Cub Scout Leader Training
A direct contact Scout leader is considered fully trained and entitled to wear the Trained leader emblem when he or she has completed the following training courses and the specific training for the position.
Fast Start Training
Fast Start training is the first step for all new leaders and should be taken immediately after they register and before they meet with any youth members. All Fast Start courses are available on DVD, or they can be completed through the Online Learning Center. (If you are new to Scouting, you will be asked to create an account.)
Youth Protection Training
Youth Protection training is required for all registered adults every two years. At all times, youth safety is the number one priority. At the same time, adults need to know the rules for keeping themselves safe, too. Comprehensive Youth Protection training teaches all the do’s and don’ts of working with youth. The training is offered through the Online Learning Center, or it may be taken as part of an district or council training course.
This is Scouting
This Is Scouting is a new online training session. It picks up when Fast Start leaves off with six modules of training: The Mission of Scouting, Programs for All ages, Scouting Is Fun, Scouting in the Community, Keeping Our Youth Safe, and Scouting’s Legacy. The training takes about an hour to complete and can be found on Online Learning Center. (If you are new to Scouting, you will be asked to create an account.)
Position Specific Training
Leader position specific training is “basic training” for each position. The training is offered through the Online Learning Center or it may be taken as part of a district or council training course. Cub Scout Leader Specific training has been developed for the following positions:
- Tiger Cub den leaders and assistants
- Cubmasters and assistants
- Wolf and Bear Den leaders and assistants
- Pack Committee
- Webelos den leaders and assistants
- Pack trainers
In addition to the online training option, there are district level courses available:
Meridian District ADULT TRAINING
Training opportunities:
1. Tour Plan training – Sept. RT
2. “How to Use Den Chiefs and Where to Find Them” training -- future Cub Scout RT
3. BALOO/Outdoor Leader Skills (OLS) for Webelos Leaders - Oct. 22-23
For more information, please see the training page of Smoke Signals or training website (www.3districttraining.org/). Further Q’s contact Meridian district training chair Ray Chan, ray4scouting@gmail.com
Out of District ADULT TRAINING
Cub Scout Leader Forum: Sat, Oct 8, LDS Church, 1590 Denkinger Rd, Concord, CA Contact Tom Santos, tomnets@pacbell.net.
Outdoor Leader Skills (OLS) for Webelos Leaders:
Fri-Sat, Oct 21-22, Camp Fetterman, 2755 CRYSTAL LN, BRENTWOOD. Contact Tom Santos, tomnets@pacbell.net.
All registered adults must complete Youth Protection Training every two years. The Top Leader of each unit must be Trained for their position or the unit will not be allowed to recharter for 2012. Top Leader in Cub Scouts, as defined by the national office, is the Cubmaster.
At least one registered leader on every outing requiring a Tour Plan must have completed Youth Protection Training and Hazardous Weather Training. Both of these courses are available online at MyScouting.org. Other training may be required depending on what you are doing, for example, safe swim defense if you are going swimming.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if there are any Q’s,
Ed Laubach
Pack 1776 Training Chair
LEAD 2011 Early Bird Registration Ending Soon!
Registration for the annual MDSC Scouting conference is open and early bird discount is ending soon. LEAD is a full-day (7am-5pm) training with fun sessions on camping, cooking, paddling, website setup, and a lot more. You can enjoy all these classes for only $35 if you register by Dec 17th midnight, and this $35 is reimbursable by the Pack upon completion of the training. Go to the Council website for detail and registration.
L.E.A.D Registration is Now Open – Early Bird Discount
A message from MDSC L.E.A.D registration...
Mark your calendars for L.E.A.D. "Leader Education and Discovery"
(Combined Pow Wow and University of Scouting)
Mt. Diablo Silverado Council’s mid-winter escape to Scouting paradise will be held at Diablo Valley College on Saturday, January 22, 2011.
Registration is now open – Early Registration Discount through Friday December 17, 2010 at midnight. Standard Registration through Friday January 14, 2011 at midnight. Online registration ends at midnight on January 14, 2011.
Visit the MDSC website to sign up, view courses and the schedule
This is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY to LEARN more of what is available for your SCOUTING PROGRAM and to NETWORK with fellow Scouters and potential contributors from outside Scouting.
Classes are available for leaders of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers. Subjects for NEW leaders as well as EXPERIENCED leaders are covered.
Classes are available for you to fulfill leadership requirements and to enhance your knowledge of our programs. You will also be able to learn more about camping, cooking, paddling and exciting things to do with your Scouts.
Did you know that every youth facing leader will need to be position specific trained by the end of 2011? You can get this training at L.E.A.D.!!
The curriculum is designed to help you and your Scouts thrive! The Luau program features will give you new insights for Scouting opportunities!
Invest in the future – YOUR future successes as a Scout leader, and the continuing interest and engagement of your Scouts. Join us at the Luau!
Yours in Scouting,
Adrianne Kordelos
Magic of the Den Box
Message from Meridian District ...
Magic of the Den Box
Presented by Julie Graham
Are you a new Den Leader?
Want to learn some tricks for getting your Den off to a good start?
Are you a returning Den Leader?
Not sure why it's not going how you would like with your Den?
Join us for some tips to using a Den Box to help you build a better Den!
Topics covered
1. Being an effective Leader
2. The importance of building your Den's identity with your den box
3. Rewards and Consequences
4. How to plan a Den Meeting
Date, time, & Location:
September 23rd - 8 pm - 8:45 pm
Crow Canyon LDS Church
5025 Crow Canyon Rd, San Ramon, CA 94582-5547 (map)
This is a training not to be missed!
RSVP to stevettom@yahoo.com
More on training …
Every Scout deserves a trained leader. And it is why we come back to training again after we have already covered this a few times. This time, a message from our Training Chair of the Meridian district:
To Meridian Scouters,
I hope all of you are enjoying your Labor Day Weekend!!! -- May you all take a break with your families and have a wonderful weekend full of rest and fun with those you love...
Training for the Cub Scout program has changed in terms of accessibility. Starting this month (September) all Cub Scout Position Specific training is NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE!!!
So, a quick refresher -- To be considered TRAINED in Cub Scouts you need the following:
1. Youth Protection (YPT) - Online
2. Fast Start (Den Leader, Cubmaster, or Committee) (FS) - Online
3. This is Scouting (TIS) - Online
4. Position Specific (PS) - ONLINE starting September 1st, 2010
The new ONLINE Cub Scout Position Specific training is broken out in SEVEN tracks:
1. PS - Specific Tiger
2. PS - Specific Wolf Cub
3. PS - Specific Bear Cub
4. PS - Specific Webelos
5. PS - Specific Cubmaster
6. PS - Specific Pack Trainer
7. PS - Specific Pack Committee
Each track will have 15 minutes of Introduction to Cub Scouting (this will be a repeat for most of you). After the 15 minutes, you will then spend 10-15 minutes on the Position Specific area (e.g. Tiger or Wolf, or Bear, or Webelos etc.). The total online training time is around 30 minutes.
To access this, please login to www.Myscouting.org --> Click on Training --> E-Learning --> Cub Scout tab -- Leader Position - Specific Training.
So starting this FALL, if you have CHANGED positions (i.e. Tiger to Wolf den leader), you will need to take the Online PS course. You DO NOT need to retake past positions (i.e. PS Tiger Online) if you have already taken, for example, Tiger PS LIVE training last year. This rule holds true for all positions. You only need to take the new online PS course if you are taking on a new position or are brand new to Cub Scouting.
Once you have completed the online training, your training records on Myscouting.org is updated. You will be prompted to print out a training card at the end of the course. Please follow the instructions and print the training card and keep that for your records.
We will continue to offer LIVE Position Specific Training for all tracks (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Cubmaster, Pack Trainer, and Pack Committee). We have live training sessions on September 18th, October 2nd, and November 8th. You are encouraged to attend LIVE training, if time permits, because it offer more interactive discussions and Q&A verses the online training. At this point, it is your choice - it is VERY important that your leaders are trained (LIVE or Online -- they're BOTH GOOD!!!) You just need to take one OR the other.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Yours In Scouting,
Ray Chan
Training Chair
Meridian District
925-548-6179 - Cell
Position-Specific Training Now Available Online
The long-awaited Position-Specific Training is now available online. That means all four required trainings for Cub Leaders can now be taken at the comfort of your own home. Go to MyScouting.org, log in, and click on "E-Learning" on the left navigation bar.
From there, under the Cub Scout tab you'll find these new courses:
- Tiger Cub position-specific
- Wolf Cub position-specific
- Bear Cub position-specific
- Webelos position-specific
- Cubmaster position-specific
- Pack Trainer position-specific
- Pack Committee position-specific
Take the online courses soon to make sure you're fully prepared to lead your den or pack this fall.
Fall Training
Training news from the district:
To Meridian Scouters,
Fall is in the air... kids are going back to school and stores are stocking up on Halloween stuff... where have the year gone?
With the coming of fall, we have training classes to help TRAIN all our leaders for their various positions:
09/18 - Position Specific Training for Cub Scouts (New Cub scout leaders and returning Den leaders)
10/02 - Position Specific Training for Cub Scouts (New Cub scouts leaders and returning Den leaders)
10/23 - BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) for Cub scout leaders
10/24 - OS4WL (Outdoor Skills for WEBELOS Leaders)
11/08 - Position Specific Training for Cub Scouts (New Cub scout leaders and returning Den Leaders)
01/22 - L.E.A.D (Leader Education and Discovery) 2011 -- Registration coming soon!
Click on the links above to see the flyers. To sign up, please fill out the flyers and send the flyers in, along with payment, to our council office. There is still plenty of room for the courses.
Also, please don't forget, we have our Training Fair coming up October 28th -- tons of training opportunities in 2011 available for you to review and sign up.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions...
Yours In Scouting,
Ray Chan
Training Chair
Meridian District
925-548-6179 - Cell
IMPORTANT: More Info on BSA Youth Protection Training
Important information from the District:
To Meridian Scouters,
Many of you may have already received notification on changes to BSA's Youth Protection Training Policies. If not, please review these changes CAREFULLY. It is VERY IMPORTANT that all Meridian Scouters follow the new mandatory requirements as outlined in this guideline.
NOTE the new requirements for New Registered Leaders -- they cannot turn in an Adult Registration Application until they have completed Youth Protection Training!
More information can be found in this FAQ.
Please let me know if you have any questions...
Ray Chan
Training Chair
Meridian District
925-548-6179 - Cell