Cub Scout Pack 1776

Local TV Station Tour

Hi Cub Scouts! 
We have another exciting outing planned for you! 
We have arranged 2 tours for 15 each (total -- this includes adults and kids) to tour our local TV Station with local celebrity & coach George Baljevich (aka Dr.B tv30 sports). Please sign up (first come, first serve).  If there's a lot of interest, we will give scouts priority and ask some adults to wait outside.  

Cost:   Free.

When:  Monday Jan 23  (this is a minimum school day -- teacher work day) 
Time: 4:00 pm open to younger scouts
Time: 5:00 pm - open to older scouts
Tri-Valley Community Television, TV30
4663 Bernal Ave. Suite B
Pleasanton, CA 94566
Phone: 925-462-3030
"Your Connection to the Tri-Valley"
TV30 is George "Dr. B" Baljevich.  He's a veteran sports reporter and host for Tri-Valley Sports Final and Let's Talk Sports.  Dr. B was also a former basketball coach and teacher. 
The tour will take about 45 min, video and photos are allowed. They usually do scout tours for those who need some requirements (earn a patch?)  He will also use visual/with sports memorabilia, uniforms etc displays with a talk.