Cub Scout Pack 1776

Webelos Geology at Black Diamond Mines

The Black Diamond Mines Regional Reserve in Antioch offers a weekend program that helps Webelos earn the Webelos Geologist Pin.

  • The program takes 1.5 hours and is offered through November.
  • Group size: 10-15
  • $5 per participant

Click here for more information.

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Webeloree Registration Opens This Week

Attention Webelos den leaders and parents,

Online registration for the September 21-22 or October 5-6 Webeloree will open on August 15th. This popular overnight camping event for 4th & 5th graders and their parent can fill up in less than a week, so don’t procrastinate!!! Go online at and sign up on August 15th to enjoy beautiful Camp Herms and earn four activity pins (Forester, Geologist, Naturalist, Outdoorsman). More info on the flier and MDSC website.

Yours in Scouting,
Mike Moffat | District Executive
Mt. Diablo Silverado Council

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Two sessions to choose from:

South Session
Date: Saturday, October 6, 2012, 7:00am - Sunday, October 7, 2012, 10:30am
Location: Camp Herms, 1100 James Pl, El Cerritos (map)

North Session
Date: Saturday, November 10, 2012, 7:00am - Sunday, November 11, 2012, 11:30am
Location: Mare Island, Vallejo, 1595 Railroad Ave. (South of Touro Univ.) (map)

Cost: $45 per webelos, $25 per adult.  Patch, pins, breakfast, and entertainment included.
Further information: Council website
Awards: Participation patch and 4 activity pins (Outdoorsman, Scientist, Showman, & Readyman)
Registration: Registration begins August 20th.
This event always fills. Register early.

The Webeloree is a fun overnight outing for Webelos & their parents to enjoy. While working with Boy Scout patrols, Webelos may earn Webelos activity pins. The Webeloree is open to all first and second-year Webelos. All Webelos and their parent attending will receive a custom Webeloree patch and the activity pins earned at the event.

This year the Mt. Diablo Silverado Council is hosting two Webelorees! One at Camp Herms in October and one at Mare Island in Novemeber. For more information on either camp, please visit the information and registration pages here.

The Webeloree online registration will launch on August 20th. Please be aware that some of the activity pins featured, during the Webeloree require some portion of the pin requirements be completed before the Scouts arrive for the event. Having these prerequisites completed will allow the Webelos to complete the pin during the weekend. To view the list of pins that require requirements to be done before camp, please preview the registration information here.

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Webeloree Recap

2011 Webeloree, October 1 – 2

Webelos from Pack 1776 had a great weekend at historic Camp Herms in the El Cerrito hills. Everything was well organized, well staffed, and packed full of fun.

The Webelos started Saturday morning by setting up their tents in the lower field. The scouts did the majority of the set up with very minimal help from the adults. They all did a fine job.

After the opening flag ceremony and rousing songs, our Pack started the morning at the Forester Unit. Mr. Harrison, from Boy Scout Troop #24, taught the scouts about tree growth rings, the five layers of a forest, 6 forest trees, 6 forest plants, how water/minerals/sun help, and about the harm/benefits of wildfires.

Our group then moved onto the Outdoorsman Unit. Boy Scouts from Troop # 24 used a skit format to thoroughly go over every point about the Leave No Trace Frontcountry Guidelines (plan ahead, stick to trails, manage your pet, leave what you find, respect other visitors, trash your trash). The Webelos also learned about the rules of outdoor fire safety and practiced how to fuse and whip the ends of a rope. Here they used the rope they fused to make a paracord bracelet with a side release buckle. We ended this unit by making our foil dinner with chicken, potatoes, and vegetables.

Then we gathered under the beautiful redwoods and had a picnic with our bagged lunch. The scouts played and the adults relaxed.

At the signal, we moved on to the Geologist Unit, led by Geologist Michael L. and Boy Scouts from Troop # 100. This was a well prepared, hands on unit. They touched real fossils, learned the four different ways mountains are formed, examined minerals in various uses and geologic materials used in home building, and talked with geologist Michael L. about the rocks found at Camp Herm and geology mapping of the area. (Very interesting stuff!) Before leaving this unit, the scouts received a special rock as a memento.

The final station they visited on Saturday was led by biologist, Mr. Dekloe, from Troop 864. Here the Webelos earned their Naturalist pin by learning about an ecosystem, an aquadic ecosystem & wetland, flyways near our area, dangers of litter, and poisonous plants & animals. We also went on a short hike and learned about non-native plants, how some plants use nitrogen in the soil, what poison oak looks like and why we should avoid it, stinging nettle, poisonous hemlock, poppy seed disbursement, and the difference in pine cones.

After our closing flag ceremony, we ate our delicious foil dinner of chicken, vegetables, and potatoes. The evening was capped off with two different shows. We first visited the amazing AstroWizard, Mr. Rodrigues, who educated the scouts on space and science related topics using pictures, props, bubbles, telescope, and exciting explosions. And finally, a well run campfire program led by Boy Scout Troop #127 entertained the entire camp audience with fun songs and funny skits.

Next year’s Webeloree is planned at Camp Herms for October 6-7, 2012. So, mark your calendars and save the date.

The following scouts earned their Forester, Outdoorsman, Geologist, and Naturalist Pins:
Andrew K, Ben R, Dylan W, Ethan M, Hayden C, Jack P, Raymond F, Umesh N, Warren H



Calling all Webelos!! Registration for the upcoming Webel-o-ree is now open. This will be a sold out event. Act fast!

The Webel-o-ree is a fun overnight outing for Webelos & their parents to enjoy. While working with Boy Scout patrols, Webelos may earn Webelos activity pins (Outdoorsman, Geologist, Naturalist and Forester). That is, FOUR activity pins in one weekend!!! Webel-o-ree is open to all first and second-year Webelos. All Webelos and their parent attending will receive a custom Webel-o-ree patch and the activity pins earned at the event.

More info at the Council's website.

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Invitations for Webelos IIs to come Rock Climbing with Troop 60

Message from Troop 60 ...

This coming Saturday, Dec 11, Troop 60 is going rock climbing at the Berkeley Ironworks.

All Webelos IIs who are interested in Troop 60 are invited to join us for the evening. We will meet there at 8pm.

The Troop will spend the entire night there, and the Webelos and their parents will be allowed to participate as late as 11pm or so. All climbers will receive an extensive safety briefing and excellent instruction to improve their technique and climbing ability.

Webelos should be accompanied by a parent/guardian, and will need to complete a Berkeley Ironworks waiver. A day pass is $12 for each climber and a full complement of equipment (shoes, helmet, harness and belaying device) is $6. Class B uniforms.

Anyone who is interested should be sure to contact our Senior Patrol Leader for the outing, Ayaz Latif -- (925) 735 6551, -- to let him know how many people to expect.

Please pass this on to any interest Webelos families and tell them to contact me if I can provide any more information. Also, there's lots more information about Troop 60 at

Anyone who is interested in Troop 60 is welcome to attend one of our Troop meetings Monday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30pm at Diablo Vista Middle School. Due to the holidays, our next meetings will be Jan 10 and 17.

-- Willy Rorke
Troop 60

More on Troop 60 ...

The two 1776 Cubmasters that bridged to Boy Scouts went to Troop 60. It has over 20 trained adults with more than half coming from the original 1776 cub pack. We have over 60 scouts from all ages and have an extensive outdoor program for boys of all skills to participate. Let me know if you would like to visit or have any questions.

Joe Magdaleno
Pack 1776 Webelos II Den Leader

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Webelos II Event with Troop 815

Message from Troop 815 ...

Hello Cub Scout Webelos 2 and Parents,

You are invited to join Troop 815 at Indoor Rock Climbing this weekend – Saturday, December 4, 7:30-9:30 p.m. (note time change), at Diablo Rock Gym in Concord.  This event is great fun for all the boys and very important if you’re interested in joining Troop 815.

The cost is $15 per Webelos 2 Cub Scout (free for parents, who don’t climb), which is collected at the door along with the permission slip and liability form.  I will forward the liability form later.

We’ll meet at Diablo Rock Gym, starting at 7:30 p.m.  Have your boys wear a Class B t-shirt and gym clothes.  Following a quick registration, boys will climb under the supervision of members of Troop 815.   Webelos 2 parents will stay to watch and encourage.  In addition, parents will attend a brief informational meeting hosted by Troop 815 Boy Scouts.  9:30 is an outside time; you may depart earlier but experience tells us the Webelos won’t want to leave!

Diablo Rock Gym is located at 1220 Diamond Way Suite 140, Concord.   Details in the links below.

RSVP via email with your name, your son’s name and Cub Scout Pack number.  If you have questions, call me at 925.968.1877.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

Map of area w/ directions
Diablo Rock Gym website

-Steve Swasey
Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 815
“Danville Pride Since 1969”

Steve Swasey  |  Vice President, Corporate Communications  |  Netflix  |  100 Winchester Circle  |  Los Gatos, CA  95032  |  Office: 408/540-3947  |  Cell: 925/899-8108  |

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Webelos II Events with Troop 252

Message from Troop 252 ...

Click on image to enlarge flyer.  More information on Troop 252 here.  Send questions to Scoutmaster Ken Boasso.

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Webelos II events with Troop 805

Message from Troop 805 ...

Webelos Scout leaders from Pack 1776,

If you did not have a chance to get our brochures at the November Webelos to Scouting transition roundtable, here is the latest information on Troop 805.

We are having a Miniature golf outing on Sunday, Dec 5 with the Webelos:

Sunday, December 5, 2010- Golden Tee Golfland

  • We will meet at the Golfland location at 12 noon: Golden Tee Golfland, 2533 Castro Valley Blvd, Castro Valley, CA
  • Attire: full Class A uniform.
  • Cost: $15.00 (adults and scouts) to cover the cost of pizza, 1 game of golf and a few tokens to play arcade games.
  • They also need us to confirm & pay 48 hrs ahead of time, so if you can get us a head count & payment sometime before 12/03 for any scouts that are interested, it would be great.
  • Scouts should bring bottled water and extra money for arcade games, if desired.

Our Webelos Open House is going to be Tuesday, Dec 7 from 7-8:30pm at Sycamore Valley Elementary School MPR. For further details see this flyer.

We are also planning a local hike on January 8. I can send you more details when they are available.

About us: Troop 805 focuses on the three aims of Scouting: encouraging participatory citizenship, building strong moral character & helping boys to grow physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Our website: is a great way to review what we are all about. It lists the troop calendar, activities, newsletters, dedicated adult leaders & all the T805 Eagle Scouts. The "About Scouting" section lists all the scout leadership positions which is especially useful to those who are new to the Boy Scout program.

We are truly a Boy led troop. Among the activities the boys planned for 2011 include:

  • Ski Trip
  • Snow Camping
  • Snow Shoeing
  • Scout Skills Weekend
  • District Camporee
  • Yosemite Service Project
  • Boating
  • Fishing
  • White Water Rafting
  • Shooting Sports
  • Hiking
  • Backpacking
  • Rock climbing

The following informational flyers will give you more detailed information about T805. Let me know if you have any further questions.

We look forward to having visits from all of you!

Ed Laubach
T805 ASM- recruitment

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