Cub Scout Pack 1776

Thank You!

Pack 1776,

Our Scouting for Food event was once again a huge success and I want to take this opportunity to thank program coordinators Stella Lei and Ada Ip, the Den Leaders and all of the Scouts that participated.

Our scouts were able to fill a 6x10 trailer with donations for the needy and this large collection made quite an impression at the Food Bank collection center.

Thank you for helping make the Thanksgiving holiday a little brighter for those that are less fortunate. This event is at the heart of what Cub Scouts is about.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families. Have a safe and wonderful holiday.

Cubmaster Macey


Reminder: Scouting for Food Collection

Date: Saturday, November 20, 2010
Time: 9:00am - 11:00am
Pickup Location: Assigned areas (map)
Collection Location: Coyote Creek MPR

Our Pack will be picking up food donations this Saturday.  Please start collection in your assigned area after 9am and bring the donation to outside of MPR between 10-11am.

A couple of reminders:

  • Wear Class A uniforms
  • Do NOT enter a donor's residence
  • Parents should keep an eye on the Scouts at all times
  • It may rain.  Be Prepared! And be safe!
  • Den leaders and/or representatives, please provide names of scouts participated so that they can be recognized.

Thank you.

Stella Lei & Ada Ip
Scouting for Food Chairs


L.E.A.D Registration is Now Open – Early Bird Discount

A message from MDSC L.E.A.D registration...

Mark your calendars for L.E.A.D. "Leader Education and Discovery"
(Combined Pow Wow and University of Scouting)
Mt. Diablo Silverado Council’s mid-winter escape to Scouting paradise will be held at Diablo Valley College on Saturday, January 22, 2011.

Registration is now openEarly Registration Discount through Friday December 17, 2010 at midnight. Standard Registration through Friday January 14, 2011 at midnight.  Online registration ends at midnight on January 14, 2011.

Visit the MDSC website to sign up, view courses and the schedule


This is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY to LEARN more of what is available for your SCOUTING PROGRAM and to NETWORK with fellow Scouters and potential contributors from outside Scouting.

Classes are available for leaders of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers. Subjects for NEW leaders as well as EXPERIENCED leaders are covered.

Classes are available for you to fulfill leadership requirements and to enhance your knowledge of our programs. You will also be able to learn more about camping, cooking, paddling and exciting things to do with your Scouts.

Did you know that every youth facing leader will need to be position specific trained by the end of 2011? You can get this training at L.E.A.D.!!

The curriculum is designed to help you and your Scouts thrive! The Luau program features will give you new insights for Scouting opportunities!

Invest in the future – YOUR future successes as a Scout leader, and the continuing interest and engagement of your Scouts. Join us at the Luau!

Yours in Scouting,

Adrianne Kordelos

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Reminder: November Pack Meeting – Citizenship

Date: Thursday, November 18, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Coyote Creek MPR

The Pack Meeting will be start promptly at 7pm, so please arrive a few minutes early. The WEBLOS II Dens 1 & 2, will be leaving early to attend the District Roundtable to hear presentations from local Boy Scout Troops. Your support is appreciated.

CC Steve


Meridian Webelos Night

Date: Thursday, November 18, 2010
Time: 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Location: San Ramon LDS Church, 5025 Crow Canyon Road, San Ramon


Webelos II’s and parents should plan to attend the November Roundtable meeting on Nov. 18. Learn more about the Webelos to Boy Scout transition and meet representatives from troops in your area. It’s sure to be very informative! Contact Earle Conklin, 838-5440, [email protected]

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Scouting for Food Maps and Additional Info

Pack 1776 families,

Scouting for food maps are finalized.  Each den is responsible for an area as depicted below (click on the colored zone to see assignment).  Door hangers will be distributed to den leaders/representatives beginning tomorrow night at the committee meeting.  Participating Scouts will earn the Scouting for food patch and satisfy one of the service requirements of the Year of Celebration awards.  This is a worthy cause and I hope everyone will lend a helping hand.

Thank you.

Stella Lei & Ada Ip

Scouting for Food 2010


Smoke Signals – November

Smoke Signals is a monthly newsletter published by Mount Diablo Silverado Council. The November issue is now available for download.

Find out what is going on with the Council and read on for news on Scouting for food, and upcoming training opportunities.


Scouting for Food

Pack 1776 families,

More than ever before, our community needs us to "Do a Good Turn Daily"!

Our pack will be participating in the Scouting for Food event which runs from November 13th-20th. The goal is to place the Scouting for Food hangers on the front door knobs in our assigned area starting November 13th. We would then pick-up the donated items on November 20th.

Each Den must assign a Den representative to pick up maps with high-lighted routes assigned to each Den and the door hangers. Please arrange to pick them up at the committee meeting this Thursday. The Den Leaders will need to coordinate their Cub Scouts hanging the door hangers on or after Nov 13th before it gets dark. The Dens will need to pick up the donations from their assigned routes after 9:00 am on Saturday November 20th and bring it to outside Coyote Creek School’s MPR between 10 AM and 11 AM.

Den leaders should ensure that their den has representation and, at a minimum, arrange for collection of the high-lighted route maps and hangers. The den leaders are responsible for coordinating and communicating their den's participation in this event.

Here is a document regarding the GENERAL event information. (Details listed in this email take precedence.) A map of your assigned area will be given to you when the Den representatives get the door hangers. Please address any questions regarding the event to Stella and Ada and cc: Cubmaster Macey and Committee Chair Steve.

Stella Lei & Ada Ip


November Hike – Mt Diablo

Date: Sunday, November 7, 2010
Time: 10:00am
Location: Mt. Diablo State Park - Meet at Curry Point Parking (South Gate Road)

Pack 1776 families,

Next hike will coincide with our camping trip.  I hope that you will be camping that week-end. If not, you can still enjoy the hike.


  • Avoid a heavy breakfast.
  • Bring a bottle of water.
  • Entrance fee $10 per car.
  • Car pool to reduce vehicle emissions and charges.
  • Layer your clothes - it might be cold.

Directions: At the Park boundary the road becomes South Gate Road. Continue up the mountain, past the entrance station to just past Rock City. Park in the Curry Point view area on the left.

Bernard Kiriakos
Hiking Chair

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Chemistry Night and Pumpkin Disposal

Troop 252 of Danville/Dougherty Valley invites all scouts to a fun & exciting evening of chemistry experiments, exothermic reactions & new things to do with your post-Halloween pumpkins.

Click here for flyer. Email Ken Boasso for detail.

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