Adult Training
What Makes a Trained Leader
A direct contact Scout leader is considered fully trained and entitled to wear the Trained leader emblem when he or she has completed the following training courses and the specific training for the position. All these training can be completed online.
Fast Start Training
Fast Start training is the first step for all new leaders and should be taken immediately after they register and before they meet with any youth members. All Fast Start courses are available on DVD, or they can be completed through the Online Learning Center. (If you are new to Scouting, you will be asked to create an account.)
Youth Protection Training
Youth Protection training is required for all leaders who have direct contact with youth. At all times, youth safety is the number one priority. At the same time, adults need to know the rules for keeping themselves safe, too. Comprehensive Youth Protection training teaches all the doʼs and donʼts of working with youth. The training is offered through the Online Learning Center, or it may be taken as part of an district or council training course.
This is Scouting
This Is Scouting is a new online training session. It picks up when Fast Start leaves off with six modules of training: The Mission of Scouting, Programs for All ages, Scouting Is Fun, Scouting in the Community, Keeping Our Youth Safe, and Scoutingʼs Legacy. The training takes about an hour to complete and can be found on Online Learning Center. (If you are new to Scouting, you will be asked to create an account.)
Position Specific Training
Leader position specific training is based on the leaderʼs position. These courses are taught by informed trainers who know how to engage groups and make learning fun. These courses are offered by the district or council as group training, or may be done as small groups or by personal coaching. It can also be taken online at the Online Learning Center. Cub Scout Leader Specific training has been developed for the following positions:
- Tiger Cub den leaders and assistants
- Wolf den leaders and assistants
- Bear den leaders and assistants
- Webelos den leaders and assistants
- Cubmasters and assistants
- Pack trainers
- Pack Committee