Cub Scout Pack 1776

B-I-N-G-O Night “B” There, Fri Sept 28

Hi Everyone,

Just a friendly reminder that coming up is the Coyote Creek PTA's annual bingo night.

Every year, we, the cubs of Pack 1776, are invited to help with the games, by actually calling out the letters and numbers at the big games. We team up with the Girl Scouts as well.

Den Leader and All-Around Cool Guy, Scott Spears and I will Emcee the games, and provide the tracking of the event, and we want as many scouts to come as possible, to join in the fun.

This is your chance to stand on the stage at the MPR, and talk through the microphone. Good training for you future game show hosts (or rock stars!) in the pack.

For those of scouts who already signed up on the Coyote Creek website, please remember to wear your fancy Class A uniforms. This is a must.

For those of you who are walking around, wondering what you're going to do Friday, and might like to have a great time, Lynda Gann informed me that there might be a few spots available. Worth a try on the school website.

I will need you to send me a return email if you are attending to confirm. Last year, we did an evite, here is your John-Vite. This will help me gather the team up.

Also, I could really use some helpful parents and cubs to help with the set up and tear down. Please arrive at 4:00 at the MPR if you can, or stick around after, or both, I will!

See you soon,

Cubmaster John

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