Cub Scout Pack 1776

Blue And Gold Celebration TOMORROW!

Hi Pack 1776 Scouts and Families!

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is our big event, the Annual Blue and Gold dinner and farewell to our eleven hard working Webelos II scouts as they move on from 1776 Cub Scouts to Boys Scouts in the fantastic troops they have chosen, namely Troops 60,805 and 888.

This will also be a chance to see you all before Den Leaders Ammy and Ada and I say goodbye to the most wonderful group of families and friends we have had the honor to work with.

Pack 1776 is truly a unique, special group of boys and families, and I know will miss you all, leaving with a big hole in my heart for you, but a traveling down a new road with a huge suitcase full of priceless memories.

But wait! This is a happy time, and we are going to party like it's 1999 (or 1776!)

Here's a quick re-cap of the schedule:

5:30 Open doors, settle in
6:00 Opening Flag ceremony (Webelos II)
6:05 Greeting, commence dinner (no skit, short on time, maybe guitar), slide show while dining.
6:50 FOS
7:00 Arrow of Light Bridging ceremony, super achiever awards, bridge.
7:50 Leader Recognition
7:55 Closing Flag Ceremony (Webelos 1 - Steve,Lisa)
8:00 Python Ron Reptile Kingdom
8:30 Clean up, out by 9:00.

Yup, great dinner from A G Ferrari Foods, great entertainment with Python Ron, and great friends!

Now don't forget to wear your snappy Class A uniforms.

See you tomorrow in the MPR,

Your most loyal friend in scouting,

Cubmaster John

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