Danville 4th of July Parade
Date: July 4th, 2016
Time: Meet at 8:00 A.M. for rehearsal, parade starts at 9:00 A.M.
Location: Downtown Danville. Drop off your scout at the Love Lane drop off area
Attire: Class A uniform
RSVP: Evite
This 4th of July, participate in the Danville 4th of July Parade with San Ramon Cub Scouts Packs: 1776, 996, 997, and 203! Together, we will walk through downtown Danville, wave, sing, and give away goodies to hundreds of cheering folks.
To be in the parade, scouts and adults must be in Class A uniform (closed toe shoes, no flip flops). Bring water and wear sunscreen. Our Pack will provide participating scout a bag of goodies to give away to the audience.
On the day of the event, please check in with Grace Dagen and stay with your scout until the parade starts at 9:00 A.M. Leaders in uniform will lead your scout in the parade and meet you at the end of the parade route at Sycamore Valley Boulevard (near Piatti’s restaurant), where you can pick up your child. Assume one hour from start for our scouts to reach the finish point. DO NOT leave with your child until you have signed out with Grace!
If you have a Lion or Tiger scout, Grace can give you a Class B shirt so you can be in the parade with him. Please contact her in advance. We have a limited number of yellow Class B shirts left; first RSVP, first serve.
Note that many roads, including parts of Danville Blvd, Railroad Ave., Love Lane, La Gonda Way, Hartz Ave., and Sycamore Valley Road will be closed from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Here’s the best way to get to our meeting area.
- Take Interstate 680 N
- Exit at El Cerro Blvd
- Head west on El Cerro Blvd
- Right on Danville Blvd/Hartz Ave
- Left on Del Amigo Road
- Left on Verona Ave
- Left on Love Lane
There’s a shuttle bus available at the Sycamore Valley Park and Ride that drops off at the parade staging area. There’s also parking at several municipal lots including:
- Front Street Municipal Parking Lot
- Railroad Avenue Municipal Parking Lot
- Clock Tower Parking Lot
- Park and Ride Lot on Sycamore Valley Road
- Danville Library/Community Center parking Lot
- Disabled resident parking is available at Diablo Road at Front Street.
Questions? Contact Grace Dagen at gracedagen@yahoo.com