Meridian District Cub Scout Day Camp
Little Hills Ranch Park, San Ramon
Canceled due to Shelter in Place. Participate in the Virtual Cub Scout Day Camp!

- Date:
June 8 to June 12, 2020 - Location: Little Hills Picnic Ranch, 18013 Bollinger Canyon Rd, San Ramon, CA 94583
- Attire: Class B on Day 1; Camp Shirt After That
Cub Scout Day Camp is an exciting summer adventure where a Scout can spend five days in an outdoor setting and enjoy a wide range of activities with a group of friends. Day Camp provides boys and girls fun challenges and new experiences with activities based on the Cub Scout and Webelos Scout advancement plan. Swimming! Hiking! Archery! Cooking, songs, skits and so much fun for kid and parent alike. Last year we had visits from the fire department, CHP Canine unit and East Bay Regional Parks Rescue Helicopter!

Cub Scout Day Camp is open to all registered cub scouts, both boys and girls, of ranks Tiger (1st grader) up to Webelos (5th grader), as of fall of 2020 (i.e. next school year).
Camp takes place July 13-17th at Little Hills Regional Recreation Area located at 18013 Bollinger Canyon Rd, San Ramon, CA 94583.
Expected times
- Mon - Thu : 8:50 AM - 4:00 PM
- Drop off at 8:30 AM
- Pickup : 3:50 PM onwards
- Friday : 9:00 AM - 2:30PM
- Drop off at 8:40 PM
- Pickup: 2:20 PM onwards
We understand that some, if not many, of you may not know for sure if you can participate in Cub Scout Day Camp in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, while the hope is the COVID-19 pandemic will be well over by July and groups may congregate, this too is an unknown. The Council recognizes this, placing the safety and wellbeing of our scouts, parents, campers and volunteers at the forefront. Day Camp will only go forward if it is safe and in compliance with local, state and Boy Scouts of America directives.
We ask that you consider registering now by enrolling the Campers and Volunteers that you would like to attend Day Camp. Registering now is important for planning and purchasing purposes so that we may get a rough head count of the campers and volunteers who can go.
You’ll note that the website will ask you to place a $25 deposit per camper, rather than the full fee now. This deposit is refundable should Day Camp need to be canceled.
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! Day Camp is 100% volunteer run. Adult and Jr. Helper volunteers are needed to make this a great camp for all! Adult volunteers are needed for small and big jobs – before, during, and after camp. Everything from prepping projects, unit binders and setting up stations before camp, assisting taking down stations after camp, to helping for a few hours or days at camp. Let us know and we will be glad to work with you!
While the regular price for a registered Scout to attend Day Camp is $295, Volunteers assisting two or more days receive substantial discounts. Parents that volunteer the 5 days are able to send their registered Scout to camp for a week’s work of fun for only $120!
- Regular Price $295
- Discounted Prices if the parent volunteers 2 or more days.
2 Volunteer Days | 3 Volunteer Days | 4 Volunteer Days | 5 Volunteer Days |
$255 cost | $220 cost | $175 cost | $120 cost |
- Tags (Youth 2-5 years old*): Price $25
- Jr. Helpers (Scouts BSA): Price $20
- Adults: Free
Visit here to learn more about Day Camp and to register.
Be sure to see the really cool promotional video (keeping in mind the dates have now changed to July 13-17th).
Open to boys and girls that will be in the 1st through 5th grade in the Fall of 2020. Those who have scouts who will be Tigers in June (i.e. Lions now who will be 1st graders as of Fall 2020) must have a parent registered to be with them at camp for the entire week.
Girls are welcome! For those girls who are not already a registered Cub Scout with Pack 1776, Cub Scout Day Camp is open to girls of parents volunteering at least 3 days, and who are in 1st through 5th grade in the Fall of 2020. These who wish to attend, will be registered as Cub Scouts with Pack 1776 at a reduced rate just so that they can attend camp. This fee can be applied to the 2020-2021 Pack 1776 registration fee should they later decide to remain in Cub Scouting with Pack 1776. The Girl's unit will participate in the same activities as the Cub Scouts. While the requirement is that a parent volunteer for at least 3 days, the girl can attend all 5 days.
We need you to volunteer at least 2 Days
Given this is a volunteer driven camp, those families who wish to attend are asked to volunteer at least two days. It does not have to be the same parent. You can alternate days. There are many things to do. You can help do admin tasks days or weeks before camp starts (Pack Coordinator who collects the forms; helping the District organize forms; set up, etc.) You can also help in the morning by directing traffic before work or helping strike camp after camp is done. There is much that can be done behind the scenes if you cannot actually help out during the day camp day. Volunteering during the day during Day Camp is fun and rewarding as you accompany your child's group from station to station, joining in on some of the activities as well. Like to try archery? Shoot a sling shot? Now's your chance. Sing camp songs and spend time with your child before they become a teenager!
Pack 1776 will sign up to oversee an activity. Last year we ran the aquatics activity which means we will be checking in various scout groups into the pool and recording swim tests. The District hired lifeguards, so we did not have anything to do with the actual supervision/life guarding of the kids in the pool.
Tag-Alongs (Tags)
TAGs are children of adult volunteers who are too young to be registered as Cub Scouts. The TAG station essentially provides child care to Tags while their parents are assisting in the Camp operation. A child can be registered as a Tag only if one of the parents is assisting at the Camp for the at least three days.
Junior Helper
Are you a Scouts BSA scout or Girl Scout? Teenager in middle or high school? Come join us. Help lead activities by acting as a Junior Helper.