March Hike: Hoot Owl POSTPONED
Date: Saturday, March 21, 2020
Time: DUSK - we estimate 5:45 pm, but will confirm the actual time close to the event.

Location: California Nursery Historic Park, 36501 Niles Blvd., Fremont, CA 94536
Note: This hike is limited to the first 25 scouts and a parent (50 people maximum for this event). Scout only, no siblings. One parent per family.
Cost: Free for scouts. $8 per parent. Pay by February 28th to hold your spots. Pay online (fee) or deposit your check in the Scout Box at the Coyote Creek Elementary School by February 28th.
Distance: 1 to 1.5 miles round trip
Time: Allow about 1.5 -2 hours for program and hike.
Suggested Age: Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos.
Attire: Class B uniform
Award: This is a Trail Trekker Patch Hike. Participating scouts will receive a Hoot Owl patch.
Meeting Location: California Nursery Office
Contact: Hiking Chair Deva Sundararajan
Must read: Hike Detail
Come join us for the 2020 Hoot Owl Hike at the California Nursery Historic Park.
The California Nursery Historic Park has many old trees that are ideal for Owls and other Raptors to roost, nest and hunt from in search of food. Bring your flashlight and walk through the grounds at dusk, this is a good time to spot an owl in the trees or hunting for prey. Meet at the California Nursery Office for an introduction to owls and then walk at the sun goes down you will look and listen for the raptors that hunt at night. Discover owl pellets and the bones of what the owls ate at the Vallejo Adobe. Other night birds will also be seen in this forest in a park. Small flashlights are acceptable.
This hike is limited to the first 25 scouts and a parent who has submitted his or her payment by February 28th. Free for scouts. (50 people maximum for this event). SIGN UP HERE TO ATTEND.
Scouts completing this hike will earn the Hoot Owl Trail Trekker rocker patch.