Cub Scout Pack 1776

Pack 1776 Shelter in Place Patch

To encourage and reward Scouts who remain active in Scouting and in our Pack during this challenging time, we have created the Pack 1776 Shelter-in-Place 2020 Patch Program!  To earn the Shelter-in-Place 2020 Patch, a Scout must complete all of the requirements listed in the Worksheet by June 14, 2020.  

Complete the requirements by filling in the requested information on the Worksheet.  Email it to

All Scouts who complete the Program will be recognized and will be presented with a historic, one-of-a-kind, never to be seen again Shelter-in-Place 2020 Patch!!!

IMPORTANT NOTE – While working on these, and any other Scouting requirements, Scouts should follow all guidance and public health restrictions in place, including but not limited to social distancing, washing hands, etc.  Please stay safe and healthy and have fun!

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