Cub Scout Pack 1776

Marksmanship Day Wrap Up

It was a cold and foggy morning last Saturday, but Camp Herms was packed with excited Cub Scouts awaiting for the start of Marksmanship Day.

Our pack has 14 scouts attended the event. 3 in archery. 11 in BB-gun shooting.

Jack P, Varoon K, Warren H

BB Shooting
Aidan L, Brennan C, Brian L, Emmett L, Ethan M, Evan Y, Hayden C, Ian Y, Jack S, Jacob K, Josh K

After 4 hours of training and practices, the scouts learned a lot about safety and techniques in shooting. In the end, everyone did a great job and earned a patch, a belt loop, and a pin.  Congratulations especially to Josh K and Brian L for their exceptional work and receiving a nice jacket as reward.

BIG THANKS to Ammy for taking pictures and uploading them to the Pack photo site.  Other parents with pictures, please upload and share with us too.  Thank you.


Sunol Regional Wilderness Hike Wrap-up

I want to recognize and congratulate the following scouts:

* Jack P
* Jacob K
* Ethan M
* Jared O

for finishing a very arduous four mile hike. The hike took more than 3 hours to complete. We climbed to an altitude of 1360 feet and had to go down on relatively steep slopes.

Special thanks for all the parents who participated in this hike and assisted me in finding our way down.

Bernard Kiriakos
Hiking Chair

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Welcome Back Howler

Pack 1776,

The 2010 Coyote Creek Welcome Back Howler was fantastic!  Our Pack had a table and was in charge of handing out waters to families touring the school.  We were able to share the benefits of Scouting with many new families and hope to see them joining up in the fall.

I want to send a special thanks to the following parents:

Harry Beck - Thanks for the wonderful poster.  It looked amazing!
Lisa Cheney - Thanks for coming to my rescue!
Desiree Busierre - Thanks for the last minute help!
Marco Rico
Susan Laubach

And of course the following Scouts, thanks for representing Pack 1776 so well:

Abhilash P
Alexander B
Andre B
Brandon B
Brennan C
Chris Y

I also want to thank Coyote Creek who donated half a dozen mint condition ice chests to the Pack that we can use for camping trips in the future!

Cubmaster Macey

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Cub Scout Day Camp Wrap Up

Pack 1776 families-

We had a fantastic week at Meridian's Cub Scout Camp held at Little Hills!

This year the theme was "Cubstruction" and ran from 9 am to 3:30 pm for 5 days from June 21 - 25th. The camp ended early at 2 pm on the last day with ice cream while watching skits. Our skit was one of the six they picked out of 25 units to perform for the camp. Yeah! I found that camp director Brian Wort headed up a very well run camp with plenty of volunteers and junior helpers too. They required one adult volunteer every day for every six scouts attending. I was there every day. Lisa Cheney and Cubmaster Emeritus Ed Laubach volunteered on Monday. (Thank you so much!) All volunteers were required to take Youth Protection Training and attend a 1 1/2 hour Camp Training Meeting.

Over the five days, the kids rotated through various stations:

Knife Safety
Engineering - Bridge Building over two days
Engineering - Crane Building
Decorate Unit Flag
Knots & Lashings
Chariot Building & Racing
Genius Kits
Paper Airplanes
Skit Practice
Group Photos
Soap Carving (for younger scouts)/Whittling (for Webelos only)
Cubstruction Race
Logo Design
Den Yells
Water Sports (replaced with non-water games because of chilly weather)
Swimming (5 days)
Archery (2 days)
BB Range (2 days)

We had six scouts attending:
Brennan C
Matthew I
Andrew K
Jacob L
Ty L
Ethan M

and we had two older brothers helping as Jr. helpers:
Teagan C
Joshua L

All of the six above earned the Archery Belt Loop and the BB Gun Belt Loop.

The following four earned the Swimming Belt Loop:
Matthew I
Andrew K
Ty L
Ethan M

The following earned the Swimming Pin:
Matthew I

The following earned the Aquanaut:
Matthew I

The following earned and already received Whittling Chips and Junior USA Shooting Team 2010 patches:
Brennan C
Matthew I
Andrew K
Jacob L
Ethan M

Each scout also received a Cubstruction Patch.

It was a great week. I look forward to next year. Thanks.

Susan Kim (Andrew's mom)

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Cotton Candy Wrapup

Dear All,

Thanks for a very successful cotton candy booth at the San Ramon Art and Wind Festival.

Lines were long and business was great as we pulled in over $2000 to support Pack1776 for 2011.

Most thanks goes to the parents and cub scouts that attended during the 2 day event. I must say we definitely have future sales people in our cub scouts.

I would like to congratulate the following cub scouts who helped made this event a complete success.

Josh K, Jacob & Joshua L, Morgan J, Jared O, Emmett & Aidan L, Gurveer S, Ishaan K, Zoe & Ethan M, Evan Y, Brandon and Alexander B, Andre B, Abhilash P, Landon S, Mimi & Harrison E and my best buddy David O.

I also ESPECIALLY would like to thank those parents that volunteered for the pack. Being the organizer and never really doing this before I am so grateful for those that signed up.

A special thanks goes to Josh K who came early the first day and tirelessly was out front of the booth asking people to buy cotton candy. Keep up that sales attitude.


Thanks to all.

Richard N
Cotton Candy Coordinator


Cubmobile Wrapup

Hi all-

Everyone had a great time at today's Cubmobile  races.  It was fun to see all the cubs scouts race down the track!

Special thanks to all who helped with the organization, setup, score keeping, car handling, announcing, safety patroling & cleanup. I'd like to especially recognize Rennie W for organizing the event & John P for being such an entertaining MC! Also thanks to all volunteer parents & siblings including Russ D, Dillon D, Paul R, Brandon R, John F, Macey Z , Steve J, Scott E & Mimi (& friends) E.

We look forward to seeing everyone next Friday, 05/21/10 at the last Pack meeting of the year. Remember, start time is 6:15pm. We are going to have a special Movie night following the meeting. We'll plan to be done by 9pm.

Yours in Scouting!
Cubmaster Ed


Blackhawk 500 Winners

Congratulations to our very own
Alexander B. (Den 4) and Brandon B. (Den 3)
for winning first place
in the Council-wide Pinewood Derby races!

Go here to see all the results.


We Have A Winner!

Congratulations to Saket A. of Den 12 for winning this year's Blackhawk 500 patch design contest!!
Great Job!


Blue & Gold Agenda Wrapup

Pack 1776 families-

The Blue and Gold banquet again proved to be one of the highlights of our Scouting year.

It brought together our Pack's families for a dinner and an evening of fun. The tri-tip, chicken & spaghetti meal was super yummy, but even more important was the warm, congenial atmosphere created as families enjoy each other's company.

The entertainment was awesome! Special thanks to Timothy James & his fantastic magic show. He truly kept the audience entertained. For those who got to stay until the end, naturalist Red & Hayley showed us all the cool dance moves with their rendition of the shindizzle!

For those of you who want to share pictures & videos, we encourage you to post them on . All the posting instructions can be found on our Pack website.

Another BIG "THANK YOU!" to the Blue & Gold organizers who helped make this one of the best events that our Pack has ever put on. I’d like to take the time to recognize them:

Scott E
Susan K
Susan L
Lydell B
Kim D
Terry H
Pam M
Bill M

And finally, congratulations once again to the graduating Webelos. It is particularly touching for me personally as I known most of them since their first grade Tiger cub year. I was honored to be their den leader for 3 years & their Cubmaster for the last two years.

These are a special group of young men.

& Vatsal

Thank you for being a special part of our Pack. We’ll miss you all & we wish you the very best in your Scouting futures.

Yours in Scouting,

Cubmaster Ed


Jaguar Hike Mission Accomplished

Today's hike was not a comfortable one. After 75 minutes of walking briskly we were soaking wet.
But hikes are not supposed to be easy.

This hike was a good preparation for scouts who one day will interview the Jaguar people in the Amazon forest.

The jaguar hike (aka Lafayette reservoir) was a great character building event centered on endurance.

Eka and I want to recognize the following scouts who completed it:

  • Warren H
  • Andrew K
  • Jacob K
  • Colin H
  • Thomas M
  • Matthew I
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