Cub Scout Pack 1776

Cub Scouts 2010 Introduction Training

Date: Saturday, July 17, 2010
- 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. (Den/Pack leaders & anyone interested)
- 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Roundtable Commissioners, RT Staff, & anyone interested)
Location: LDS CHURCH, 1590 Denkinger Road, Concord, CA 94521 (map)
Fees: $5, reimbursable by the Pack upon finishing the training

Dear Pack 1776 families,

Beginning in the fall of 2010, Boy Scouts of America is introducing a new way of delivering the Cub Scout program. This new delivery method, called "Cub Scouts 2010" covers:

Cub Scout Roundtable
Cub Scout Pack and Den Meetings
Cub Scout - Webelos program

The new resources guides are available at the Scout Shop:

Den and Pack Meeting Resource Guide
Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide

"Cub Scouts 2010" are predefined recipes for how to conduct Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos den meetings. These predefined programs are designed to make running den and pack meetings easier because all advancement requirements are already factored into your agenda. All you have to do is assign names and execute the plan!!!

"Cub Scouts 2010" also has new delivery examples and method for Cub Scout Roundtable. These new methods incorporate all the 12 core values in an easy to follow format for each round table month.

Meridian district will be holding an introduction training on how to use the new Cub Scouts 2010 program. This training is optional but highly encouraged for anyone interested.  Find more details in this registration flyer, and contact district training chair Ray Chan at 925-548-6179 if you have any questions about the training.

Webmaster Stella


Important Changes to BSA’s Youth Protection Training Policies

BSA has recently announced changes to its Youth Protection Training policies.  The purpose is to increase awareness of this societal problem and to create even greater barriers to abuse than already exist today in Scouting.

Effective June 1, 2010

  • Youth Protection training is required for all BSA registered volunteers, regardless of their position.
  • New leaders are required to take Youth Protection training before submitting an application for registration. The certificate of completion for this training must be submitted at the time the application is made and before volunteer service with youth begins.
  • Youth Protection training must be taken every two years. If a volunteer’s Youth Protection training record is not current at the time of recharter, the volunteer will not be reregistered.

Scout parents are not registered volunteers and thus not required to take the training.  It is strongly recommended, however, that all adults involved in Scouting take Youth Protection training.

This training can be taken online at  More information can be found at BSA and US Scouting Service Project.


District Safe Swim Defense LIVE Training

Date: Thursday, June 3, 2010
Time: 8:00pm to 8:40pm
Location: LDS Church - Overlook Chapel, 2369 Overlook Drive, Walnut Creek (map)
Cost: Free

To Meridian Scouters,

The Iron Horse District is offering a LIVE in person Safe Swim Defense class on Thursday, June 3rd, 2010 during their Round Table breakout session. For those who are not comfortable taking the Online Safe Swim Defense class, this is a GREAT TIMELY opportunity for you to "be prepared" for the summer when you take your scouts on aquatic adventures!!!  -- Please see the attached flyer for more information...

Training is opened to ALL Scouters (from Tigers to Venture) -- Any scout leader planning to lead any swimming based activities MUST complete this training.

[stextbox id="info" caption="Notes" align="center"]This training is for adults only.
This is a classroom-based training. No swimming.
Registration is not necessary. Just show up at the church.[/stextbox]

Ray Chan
Training Chair
Meridian District
925-548-6179 - Cell


Swimming and Water Rescue Training

Date: Thursday, May 13, 2010 - Friday, May 14, 2010
Time: 6pm - 10pm
Location: Council Office, 800 Ellinwood Way, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 (map) and
Sun Valley Pool, 1000 Leland Drive, Lafayette, CA (map)

Get ready for summer and sign up for swimming and water rescue training.
Class size limited to 12. Register early!
$20 tuition reimbursable from the Pack upon finishing the course.

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Leadership Training

Ever wonder what kind of training is available but don't know where to start?  Check out the new Training Schedule page on our site!  There are different trainings throughout the year, and there is something for everyone.  Check back periodically and don't miss out!

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Leader Education And Discovery (L.E.A.D) 2010

Date: Saturday, January 23, 2010
Time: 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Location: Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill (map)

Great training event by the Council ...


Now is the time to get yourself registered for the greatest training event of the year. LEAD 2010 is coming up on January 23, 2010. Registration is now open at

Costs: (Reimbursable by the Pack upon successful completion of training!)

  • From now to January 4, 2010 the fee is $37.00 including lunch.
  • From January 5 to January 17 the fee is $52.00 including lunch.

Class sizes are limited so please register early.

Please forward this to all of your scouting friends, as we don't want anyone to miss out on this great event.

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