Cub Scout Pack 1776

September Reading

It is the beginning of another Scouting year and there is a slew of reading material to get you prepared for all the fun ahead!  Among everything, here's a couple that worth mentioning ...

  • Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide - New for 2010-2011.  A MUST-READ for all leaders and parents who want to understand the meeting and advancement schedule, and expectations of the new program.
  • Baloo's Bugle - Published monthly by the US Scouting Service Project, it is loaded with tips, games, and skits etc, all surrounding the Core Value of the month. It is issued a month in advance (ie. The September issue covers October's value), allowing ample time for leaders to incorporate ideas into planning. This is an invaluable reference for Den and Pack leaders.
  • Smoke Signals - A monthly newsletter from the Council and District, with information of upcoming events and training opportunities.  The September issue is now available.
  • Scouting Magazine - Published 5 times a year, covering the coolest and latest news of Scouting.  The September/October issue has just come out, and you can read it cover-to-cover online here.
  • CubCast - Not exactly "reading material," these are podcast that you can download or listen online.  Each monthly cubcast is divided into 2 parts: one on the Core Value of the following month, another on a timely topic.  You should find the Cubcast widget on the right sidebar of our website under the title "Cubcast."  Feel free to click around it to see the menus and listen to a couple cubcasts.  A couple minutes a month, they are the power boost to keep you on top of the most important topic at the time!

Happy Reading (and Listening)!


Baloo’s Bugle November

Baloo's Bugle - NovemberBaloo's Bugle is a monthly newsletter published by the US Scouting Project.  The November release (PDF) features next month's theme - Works of Art.  November's theme (Cub Scout Salute) is covered in the October issue (PDF).  Enjoy.