Blue & Gold Banquet
Hello all,
The Blue & Gold Banquet is just around the corner and we are getting ready to have some fun. We will be celebrating the 103rd birthday of Scouting and having a big send-off for our super-achieving Webelos IIs who will continue their Scouting journey in Boy Scouts troops.
Besides dinner catered by A.G. Ferrari Foods (Mmm yum yum!) there will be entertainment by Python Ron's Reptile Kingdom. Admission is free, again, FREE!!!, to Scouts in good standing and their immediate family. But you MUST reply to this evite!
RSVP by February 11th. Indicate in your reply the number of vegetarian meals you prefer. Otherwise, we assume you would eat anything.
Thank you and see you all at the big party!
Pack 1776 Committee
Blue and Gold is this Friday!
Blue and Gold is this Friday! Have you looked at the evite lately? 179 people!! Together with our guests and volunteers, this will be our biggest B&G ever! Thank you everyone for the overwhelming response! We'll see you all at the banquet.
Happy 102nd Birthday, Boy Scouts of America!
Stella the Webmaster
Blue & Gold Banquet
Date/Time: Friday, February 10th, 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Coyote Creek MPR
Cost: Free
Attire: Class A
Sign up: evite
Hi Pack 1776,
Save the date! Please join us at the Blue & Gold Banquet on February 10th in the Coyote Creek MPR.
The Blue & Gold Banquet is where we come together to celebrate the birthday of the Boys Scouts of America, recognize and celebrate the WEBLOS II boys as they receive the Arrow of Light awards and transition to Boy Scouts, and have some fun!
The planning is in process and we can always use more volunteers. If you'd like to help out, please email me at
Steve Jackson
Committee Chairperson
Pack 1776
Blue and Gold Pictures
What a night! I hope everyone enjoyed the dinner and entertainment last night and that the B&G committee can finally take a break. Plenty of pictures are already available. Head over to SmugMug to check them out!
Reminder: Blue and Gold Tomorrow
Doors open at 5:30 with the ceremony starting at 5:45.
See you all tomorrow!
Blue & Gold Banquet

Date: Friday, February 11, 2011
Time: 5:30pm
Location: Coyote Creek MPR
Attire: Class A Uniform
RSVP via evite by February 3rd (Contact Lisa Cheney if you didn't receive the evite.)
Doors open at 5:30 with the ceremony starting at 5:45.
Admission is free to Scouts in good standing and their immediate family.
All rank advancement, Arrow of Light, and bridging ceremonies will take place during the evening.
Dens 1- 5 are asked to bring 1 case per den of small water bottles
Dens 6 - 11 are asked to bring 1 case per den of regular sized water bottles
Dinner is provided by Fuddruckers Catering.
YOU MUST indicate your choice of regular burger, veggie burger or hotdog when RSVP'ing
RSVP by February 3rd, we need a clear count for Fuddruckers.
History/Origin of the Blue and Gold Colors for Cubs
A blue and gold banquet is a birthday dinner for the Cub Scouting program, held during February which is the anniversary month of the Boy Scouts of America(BSA). BSA was organized in February 1910. The Cub Scouts were organized 20 years later in 1930.
The story of the Blue and Gold originates in the depression years of the 1930s. In 1933 "Cub Leaders' Round Table" suggested Parent-Cub dinners. Some of the first ones noted were in Milwaukee; Wilcox, Arizona; and Michigan City, Indiana. Pack 1 of Michigan City started the tradition of pot-lucks, but with a twist. The dads were to bring utensils made of wood and carved, sawed or whittled by the cub and his dad. Throughout the later years of the 1930s there were a number of father and son bean dinners and Cub family dinners. In the early 1940s the name "Blue and Gold Banquet started to be used and first appeared in BSA literature in 1943, although planning a family dinner had been part of Pow Wow training for two years by then. "Blue and Gold" became synonymous with "celebrating the birthday of Scouting."
According to the 1939 Cubmaster's Packbook: "The Cub colors…signify the loyalty as symbolized by the true blue of the eternal skies--while its gold represents the brightness and worth and light of the Cub's smile and happy ways."
Here's the explanation, taken from the 1961 printing of the Cubmaster's Packbook: "Blue stands for truth and spirituality, steadfast loyalty, the sky above. "Gold stands for warm sunlight, good cheer, and happiness".
Today, the Blue and Gold banquet is one of the highlights of the program year. It brings together your Pack's families for a dinner and an evening of fun. The meal is important, but even more important is the warm, congenial atmosphere created as families enjoy each other's company.
Pack 1776
Blue & Gold Agenda Wrapup
The Blue and Gold banquet again proved to be one of the highlights of our Scouting year.
It brought together our Pack's families for a dinner and an evening of fun. The tri-tip, chicken & spaghetti meal was super yummy, but even more important was the warm, congenial atmosphere created as families enjoy each other's company.
The entertainment was awesome! Special thanks to Timothy James & his fantastic magic show. He truly kept the audience entertained. For those who got to stay until the end, naturalist Red & Hayley showed us all the cool dance moves with their rendition of the shindizzle!
For those of you who want to share pictures & videos, we encourage you to post them on . All the posting instructions can be found on our Pack website.
Another BIG "THANK YOU!" to the Blue & Gold organizers who helped make this one of the best events that our Pack has ever put on. I’d like to take the time to recognize them:
Scott E
Susan K
Susan L
Lydell B
Kim D
Terry H
Pam M
Bill M
And finally, congratulations once again to the graduating Webelos. It is particularly touching for me personally as I known most of them since their first grade Tiger cub year. I was honored to be their den leader for 3 years & their Cubmaster for the last two years.
These are a special group of young men.
& Vatsal
Thank you for being a special part of our Pack. We’ll miss you all & we wish you the very best in your Scouting futures.
Yours in Scouting,
Cubmaster Ed
Blue & Gold Agenda
As you know, we are having our annual Blue & Gold banquet this Friday night. For those of you who are new to scouting, the blue and gold banquet is where we celebrate the birthday of Scouting. This year is extra special as we are celebrating our 100th anniversary of Scouting in America. We will also be celebrating the Webelos II Cub Scouts bridging to Boy Scouts. This is our ceremony to honor their transition.
Cub Scouts and leaders should wear their full Class A uniform as this is THE formal event of the year. There will be awesome food, outstanding entertainment, and guaranteed fun for all.
Seating is limited due to the MPR capacity & we had to have a proper head count for the food order, so hopefully everyone responded to the evite.
Here is an agenda for Friday’s events. We plan to start promptly at 5:30.
2010 B&G Agenda (theme: BSA 100th Bday!)
-4:35 Start setup/decorations
-510 Gathering-Bears Den 4
-530 Opening Flag/ Welcome
-535 Food
+ Slide Show-during food
+ Friends of Scouting Presentation
+ photo
+ Happy Birthday CAKE!
-630 Magician
-710 Webelos II- Arrow of Light and Bridging
-745 Shindizzle
-825 Closing/ CleanUp
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Yours in Scouting,
Cubmaster Ed