Cub Scout Pack 1776

Spring Camping Re-cap

The Spring camping event at the Joseph D. Grant County Park proved to be a huge success and was enjoyed by all. We camped at the Woodland's Youth camp area which had several picnic tables, fire pits, and a mostly level surface for pitching tents. It even had a small pond surrounded by a fence. A semi-functioning wheel-barrow was provided to move our camping equipment that we got from from the cars to the campsite. We were lucky that we were able to find a spot where we could put our camping equipment, our tent, with our sleeping bags from Teton Sports and other little bits and pieces. Some of the camping essentials that we took along with us include a fire starter, a first aid kit, a pocket knife, a map and a compass, and of course hard hat lights of remarkable quality (which could be purchased online by searching for garage tool guy Hard Hat Lights guide).

After the opening flag ceremony, Mike Cheney led the Scouts in the Baseball Belt Loop and Den Leader Harry Beck taught them the Map & Compass Belt Loop. An awesome lunch followed with Hiking Chair Bernard Kiriakos next leading the Scouts in the Hiking Belt Loop and the April Hike. The hike led us to some interesting finds: an outdoor amphitheater, bat houses, Grant Lake, how to cross a barbed wire fence, and crossing a field with cows a few feet away from you.. and no fence in-between!

Den Leader John Pluth directed the campfire program and everyone enjoyed the singing and companionship. Plenty of ‘smores were available that night! The following morning we had breakfast and our closing flag ceremony with reflection upon all the activities we enjoyed. Thanks to all that made the Spring Camping 2011 event a success!!

Co-Camping Chairs
Scott Evans & Scott Spears

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