Cub Scout Pack 1776

Pack Meeting Wed March 7 Cake Decorating Contest!

Hi Pack 1776 Scouts and Families!

Just a friendly reminder that this coming Wednesday, March 7 at 7:00 is our month Pack Meeting Extravagana!

The big event - Cake Decorating!

"Cubmaster John, have you lost your mind?!!!"

Yes, and if any of you find it, please let me know.

Seriously, we will have our very first Pack Cake Decorating Competition. Kind of like the Pinewood Derby, but you can eat the winners.

This is a Scout/Parent procedure. The scout, under the guidance of mom or dad, bakes and decorates his own cake, brings it to the meeting. ALL ingredients must be edible. No soldiers, beyblades, plastic straws, cement. Just food - Cake mix, sugar, food coloring, marshmellows, tofu, Slim Jim beef stick, etc.

A panel of judges will pick winners in the following categories:

Spirit of '76 - Three cheers for the red white and blue. Flags, patriotic theme, etc.

Tallest - Think, Mount Everest, but edible.

Longest - Think, The Bay Bridge, but crossable

Are You Going to Eat That? - Think, most likely to be eaten because it's beautiful and looks delicious LOOKING.

Take Your Cake and Eat It! - Think, "Get that thing away from me and out of the house!" Gross, ugly, creepy, gummy worms crawling out of it, dirt made from ground Oreos.

Out of this World - Space the final frontier. Planets, stars, comets, space ships, stellar. (Stella? She IS a star!)

Cultural - We have families from all over the world, work with the scout on a cake which comes from Italy, or the Philipines or India or Greece. You get the idea. Be proud of your roots, and share them with us.

We'll add a few more categories. Winners get a Cake Decorating Patch, and special prizes. Everyone gets to have fun.


NO Store Bought
NO Non-edible components
NO "Dad did the whole thing himself, and I'm getting credit for it" (just like Pinewood Derby, it's the scout's project)

Siblings are welcome to bring cakes too, even as small as a cupcake, but they won't be in the competition.

After, if you want to share your cake, great. If you want to bring it home and put it mnext to your Soccer Trophy, great.

Sound like fun? Be prepared to be bombarded with more reminders.

Cubmaster John

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