Pack 1776 Scouting Year Kick-Off & Rocket Day!
TIME: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Coyote Creek Elementary School Blacktop
- * Come build and launch a compressed air rocket!
- * Snacks! Crafts! Fun!
- * Bring a friend and show how much Scouting is fun!
Pack 1776 Scouting Year
Kick-Off & Rocket Day!
Register before September 14, 2018!
1. Complete the online Pack 1776 Registration Form
2. Complete Medical Form Parts A & B
3. Provide a copy of the front & back of your scout’s medical insurance card.
4. Provide a scout registration fee per scout (check made out to Pack 1776).
5. Provide a separate $200 parent volunteer fee per family, (check postdated to 4/1/2019, also made out to Pack 1776).