November Pack Meeting // Nova: Cub Scouts Can Code
Date: November 17, 2021
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Coyote Creek Elementary School MPR + classroom
Uniform: Class A
In last year's Nova Out of this World program, our pack learned from NASA all about the Mars rover Perseverance. This year, we persevere and continue on our Nova mission!
Cub Scouts Can Code
How on earth do NASA Engineers make Perseverance roam all over Mars and follow their instructions? It all starts with understanding the basics of programming, and a lot of curiosity! Come learn all about algorithms while having practical fun with a programmable robot! Yes, Cub Scouts can code!
While only Wolves and above are eligible for the Nova award, we have a fun program for Lions and Tigers as well, bot included!
The Cub Scouts Nova STEM program incorporates learning with cool hands-on activities and exposure to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Cub Scouts Can Code is the Nova award for computer science and engineering. To earn this award, Cub Scouts explore topics such as computers (wait, what is a kernel?), programming, or careers that involve computers. They may also optionally complete the corresponding rank adventure: coding for Wolves, robotics for Bears, or game design for Webelos.
Hello, world of gratitude!
This Nova program is made possible thanks to the dedication of Nova Mentor Kevin, Cubmaster Mrs. Cassie, and a generous donation from an anonymous local resident. A former CSU Sacramento student who graduated in Mechanical Engineering and who was also the president of the Rockets/Robotics Club at Hartnell College graciously donated 8 robot kits to the pack to give kids an opportunity to learn more about Engineering. Thank you!
You, too, can help inspire tomorrow's Engineers! We are looking for 9 parents to assist with the activities and 3 to lend their iPad to control the bots at the meeting. Please sign up to volunteer.

The other kernel
Speaking of out of this world, popcorn sales this year have been astronomical! As a reward for all, the pack offered free pizza at the Halloween party and is looking into sponsoring a fun pack event for early next year. Stay tuned! All sellers earned a cool Popcorn patch. And in this pack meeting, we will award prizes to the Top Sellers!
We expect to receive the popcorn for door-to-door sales on Nov 19. If you submitted an order, please look out for info from Popcorn Kernel Ramesh closer to that date.
The popcorn campaign is a key fundraiser for both our pack and our Council, given neither receives any funding from the national BSA registration fees. So thank you to all who helped keep the pack going!
For all in-person pack or den events and activities, please adhere to the pack's COVID statement.If you or your Scout are sick, are experiencing COVID-like or flu symptoms, or may have been exposed to COVID-19, please stay home.