Webelos Weekend Camp 2017
2017 Webelos Weekend July 14-16
Webelos Weekend is an introduction into Boy Scout resident camping. Both weekends are held at Camp Wolfeboro, the Mt. Diablo Silverado Council Boy Scout Camp located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. It is an opportunity to give your Webelos a chance to see what Boy Scout summer camp is like. The Scouts and their parents (no siblings) show up at 6:00pm Friday night at the top of the hill where they meet the camp truck to load your gear to take down to camp. Estimate a travel time between 3-4 hours from the Bay Area. The road into camp is DEFINITELY A 4X4 ROAD and should not be attempted by family vehicles. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU JOIN OUR STAFF MEMBERS ON A HIKE THROUGH THE FOREST TO GET TO CAMP. BRING A WATER BOTTLE AND GOOD WALKING SHOES OR BOOTS. Meals will start on Saturday with breakfast and end with breakfast on Sunday. Families are encouraged to eat dinner on the way up to camp Friday night.
Friday night, after the Wolfeboro staff show you to your assigned campsite, the Webelos are invited to come and join the Boy Scout campfire for a night of songs, skits and brotherhood. Saturday will be kicked off with morning flags followed by breakfast. After that the Scouts will have the opportunity to go to all of the camp program areas and participate in activities. Camp Wolfeboro runs on an open schedule, which means that your Scouts are welcome to go to any area during program time and participate. All of the Scouts are welcome to stay in any program area as long as they like; however we do recommended that they try and visit every area so they can get an idea of all Camp Wolfeboro has to offer.
The program areas that will be open are Scout Craft (Scout Skills), the Nature Lodge, Handicraft, Archery, BB Guns, Swimming, Row Boating, Canoeing and let's not forget the evening CAMPFIRES!
Saturday will be wrapped up with a campfire devoted solely to the Webelos. Have your Scouts bring up ideas for skits and songs. We would love to have them perform in our campfire, but remember they must be Scouting appropriate!
After breakfast on Sunday the Webelos will be given an opportunity to pack up their gear and load it on the camp truck. Check out time will be 10:00am Sunday morning followed with a brisk walk through a pine forest. a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
This event brought to you in part by YOUR Friends of Scouting contributions. Thank you!
Register on Line
Scout Day Camp 2017
For more info: http://www.meridiandaycamp.com/
To register: http://www.kintera.org/autogen/home/default.asp?ievent=1171428
To view the cool promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75v3jhMufP8
Questions on how to register: (925) 674-6100
2017 Spring Family Camp
Cub Family Camp at Camp Lindblad, May 27 & 28
Family Camp and Pack Overnighters
Council-organized family camps are overnight events involving more than one pack, with the local council. These weekends are fun for Cub Scouts and their families. Round robin activity stations provide structured program while leaving enough free time to enjoy the outdoors. Activities include a nature hike, games, first aid training, Scout skills, crafts, BB gun shooting and archery. There will be a campfire Saturday evening with SMORES. There will be medical staff around when the campfire is on and all staff has had sufficient first aid training, similar to Ottawa first aid training, to ensure that everyone stays safe at all times, especially when there is fire around.
Who Can Attend?
The whole family is invited to attend Cub Scout Family Camp. Anyone in the family (immediate or extended) may attend any of the Cub Scout Family Camps hosted in the redwoods of coastal California at Camp Lindblad, as long as there is one registered Cub Scout in the family. Siblings age 5 and under are only $15.00 per person, and must be accompanied by an adult.
How much does it Cost and What's Covered?
The registration fees below cover food, craft supplies, sporting good supplies, staff salary for positions, etc.
- Cub Scout $50.00
- Adult $50.00
- Sibling $50.00
- Sibling age 5 or under $15.00
Meals supplied are Saturday Lunch and Dinner, Campfire SMORES, Sunday Breakfast and Bag Lunch Sunday Noon. (No food will be served Friday Night or Saturday morning.) Friday evening camping is available at registration site.
How Do I Register for Camp?
For your convenience, registrations may be made online at our council website, http://mdscbsa.org/ . Straight to Registration Credit card payments (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express) must be made at the time of registration.
You may alternately send in a check by completing the above registration online. When you get to the payment screen, next to credit card, click on the drop down menu and choose "mail in the form". Mail to Family Camps Registration MDSC BSA 800 Ellinwood Way, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523. You will need to include payment with the form for ALL people listed on the form. Payment may be made with check, cash, or the credit cards listed in the previous paragraph.
After your registration for family camp is submitted, you will need to have all campers complete their medical forms parts A & B and permission slips (blank forms available on our website at CubScoutFamilyCamp
Forms will be collected at check-in. Signups for staffing needs will take place at check-in.
Attention Webelos den leaders and parents,
Online registration for the October 1-2 or November 5-6 Webeloree will open on August 15th. This popular overnight camping event for 4th & 5th graders and their parent can fill up in less than a week, so sign up early !
Enjoy beautiful Camp Herms and work on two required Adventures (First Responder and Camper) and an Elective (Adventure in Science). More info on the district website.
Marksmanship Day 2015
Date: Sunday, November 1st, 2015
Time: Choose from:
- AM Session 9:00AM - 12:00PM (Check in at 8:15 AM)
- PM Session 1:30PM - 4:30PM (Check in at 1:00 PM)
Location: Camp Herms, 1100 James Pl, El Cerritos (map)
Cost: $30 per scout. Lunch included.
Attire: Class A uniform
Bring: Completed authorization form, warm clothes.
Note: This event always fills. Register early.
Marksmanship Day is a Council-led event with BSA trained supervision at a BSA facility range. Two different sessions are available on November 1st. More information and registration are available at the council's webpage. Be sure to wear your Class A uniform !
Save the Date for Webel-o-ree
The Webel-o-ree is a fun overnight outing for Webelos & their parents to enjoy. Working with Boy Scouts, Webelos will complete fun activities to earn four activity pins. This Webel-o-ree is open to all first and second-year Webelos. All Webelos attending will receive a custom Webel-o-ree patch and the activity pins earned at the event!
Registration for the October 3-4 event will open Monday, August 17th, 2015.
Registration for the October 24-25 event will open Monday, September 14th, 2015.
Both of these WILL SELL OUT so save the date and register as soon as registration opens.
See more info on this flyer.
Friends of Scouting Video
For those of you who couldn't attend the Blue & Gold and missed the Friends of Scouting video, here it is for your viewing pleasure
It is easy to donate online ! (remember to indicate Pack 1776 in the last box under Donor Information.)
Friends of Scouting (FOS) Campaign
We hope that you and your family will join us at our Blue & Gold Banquet scheduled for February 20th at 5:45pm at the Coyote Creek MPR. We are very proud of all the boys' achievements and extremely appreciative of all the parental involvement.
During the banquet, a District representative will be showing a video and making a brief presentation of the annual Friends of Scouting (FOS) campaign and then asking for your pledges to support our Pack’s FOS effort. The FOS program helps underwrite the cost of Scouting for our district, the Mt. Diablo Silverado Council. We thought it might be beneficial to send out this letter in advance for your information, so you and your spouse can discuss the tax deductible amount your family is considering donating.
Each year, our Scout parents are asked to support some of the hidden costs of Scouting. The Mt. Diablo Silverado Council, which serves around 17,000 youths, provides numerous benefits to all of our boys and adult volunteers. A few of these benefits include subsidized Cub Day Camp and Cub Family Camps, maintaining facilities such as Camp Herms and Wolfeboro, as well as youth and leadership training.
FOS provides these benefits to our Scouts throughout the bay area. The Scouting organization annually spends about $250 per boy while the registration fee is only $24. The Council hopes that each family will give enough to offset the spending cost for each boy, but if your family cannot contribute to this extent, please know that any amount is welcome.
Participation by every family, at any level, is the goal.
If you believe that the Scouting program has had a positive impact on your family, we urge you to join us in this effort to keep the Scout program a dynamic experience for the youth in our area.
Pack 1776 Committee
Marksmanship Day
Date: Saturday, January 10, 2015
Time: Choose from:
- AM Session 8:00AM - 12:00PM
- PM Session 1:00PM - 5:00PM
Location: Camp Herms, 1100 James Pl, El Cerritos (map)
Cost: $20 per scout, $5 per adult. Lunch included.
Attire: Class A uniform
Awards: Participation patch, Archery or BB Shooting belt loop and pin
Bring: Warm clothes
The Cub Scout Academics and Sports Program is an optional program for all Cub Scouts. Its purpose is to encourage the Scouts in learning new skills, or improving one they already posses. Cub Scouts can earn belt loops and pins in 25 academic areas and 28 different sports. Among them, the shooting sports loops and pins (Archery and BB-gun Shooting) can only be earned through Council-led events, under BSA trained supervision, and at a BSA facility range.
Marksmanship Day is one of such Council events and the next one is coming up on January 10th. Registration can be made online at the Council website. Be sure to wear your Class A.
Note: Shooting sports belt loops can be used toward Wolf electives 20c and 20n, part of Bear requirement 23c and Bear electives 20.
Leader Education and Discovery (LEAD)
Date:Saturday, January 31st, 2015
Time: 8:30am – 4:00pm
Location: Diablo Valley College, 321 Golf Club Rd., Pleasant Hill (map) (campus map)
Cost: $45 per participant ($55 after December 14th) - includes lunchRegistration for LEAD (Leader Education and Discovery) on January 31, 2015 is now open.
LEAD is not just for adult leaders. For interested parents, there are topics such as:
- Magic and Chemistry for cubs
- Wood Carving
- Geocaching
- Campfire programs
- … and much more!
Visit the Council website to sign up, view course schedule and descriptions. Class sizes are limited so register early.