Cub Scout Pack 1776

Smoke Signals October

Smoke Signals is a monthly newsletter published by the Mount Diablo Silverado Council. The September issue is now available for download.

Learn about the possible merge of MDSC with San Francisco Bay Area Council, Scouting for Food, upcoming resident camps and the annual L.E.A.D. event.


Save the Date for LEAD 2012

Pack 1776 Scouters,

Save the date for L.E.A.D scheduled for Saturday, January 21, 2012.

Scout "Leader Education And Discovery" (L.E.A.D.) is a full day of relevant, inspiring, and required Adult Leader classes held at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill by MDSC. Dozens of sessions will be available to support leader competence in all Scouting aspects, from outdoor skills to national policies. This is also the best opportunity for leaders to build their network and be inspired by successful Scouters who have experience with issues and opportunities that are common in many units.

More information about class schedules, instructors, and registration will be coming soon. While that is being finalized, we wanted to let you know about this important event so you can get it into your personal calendars immediately. We look forward to seeing you on January 21.

Craig Gridley
Course Director
Scout "Leader Education and Discovery"

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MDSC Marksmanship Day

Date: Saturday, October 8, 2011
Time: Choose from:
- AM Session 7:00AM - 12:00PM
- PM Session 11:00AM - 5:00PM
Location: Camp Herms, 1100 James Pl, El Cerritos (map)
Cost: $20 per scout, $5 per adult.  Lunch included.  $5 late fee per person after September 17th.
Attire: Class A uniform
Awards: Participation patch, Archery or BB Shooting belt loop and pin
Bring: Completed authorization form. Warm clothes.
Must read: Event flyer
Note: This event always fills. Register early.

The Cub Scout Academics and Sports Program is an optional program for all Cub Scouts. Its purpose is to encourage the Scouts in learning new skills, or improving one they already posses. Cub Scouts can earn belt loops and pins in 25 academic areas and 28 different sports. Among them, the shooting sports loops and pins (Archery and BB-gun Shooting) can only be earned through Council-led events, under BSA trained supervision, and at a BSA facility range.

Marksmanship Day is one of such Council events and the next one is coming up on October 8th. Registration can be made online at the Council website. Make sure to wear your Class A and fill out the authorization form before you go.

Note: Shooting sports belt loops can be used toward Wolf electives 20c and 20n; and part of Bear requirement 23c.


Smoke Signals September

Smoke Signals is a monthly newsletter published by the Mount Diablo Silverado Council. The September issue is now available for download.

Learn about leader training opportunities, key popcorn dates, upcoming resident camps and the annual L.E.A.D. event.



Calling all Webelos!! Registration for the upcoming Webel-o-ree is now open. This will be a sold out event. Act fast!

The Webel-o-ree is a fun overnight outing for Webelos & their parents to enjoy. While working with Boy Scout patrols, Webelos may earn Webelos activity pins (Outdoorsman, Geologist, Naturalist and Forester). That is, FOUR activity pins in one weekend!!! Webel-o-ree is open to all first and second-year Webelos. All Webelos and their parent attending will receive a custom Webel-o-ree patch and the activity pins earned at the event.

More info at the Council's website.

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MDSC Open House with BSA IndyCar


Smoke Signals August

Smoke Signals is a monthly newsletter published by Mount Diablo Silverado Council. The August issue is now available for download.

Learn about the Tour Plan that replaced the previous Tour Permit, a possible council merge, new members in Meridian district, Japan Relief Fund, and more.


BSA IndyCar Comes to Waterworld!


Family Flight Day

Date: Saturday, August 13, 2011
Time: 10am - 2pm
Location: Martinez Marina Waterfront Park (directions)
- Now thru 8/5: $15 for first family member, $5 each additional family member
- After 8/5: $20 for first family member, $5 each additional family member
- Parents can watch for free
Note: Each paid participant receives a packet of materials needed to participate in events and a Flight Day patch!

Mt Diablo Silverado Council will be hosting the 5th Annual Cub Scout Family Flight Day! All Cub Scouts in the Council and their family and friends are invited. There will be kite flying, glider racing, and many other fun events for the whole family! More information here.


Cub Scout Olympics

Date: Saturday, May 14, 2011
Time: 10am - 2pm
Location: Acalanes High School, 1212 Pleasant Hill Road, Lafayette (map)
Cost: $15.00 ($25 at door) Cub Scouts & Siblings, includes awards, patch and BBQ lunch ($5 for adults includes BBQ lunch)

Calling all Cub Scouts and their families! Join the Council at Acalanes High School for an exciting and fun filled day of friendly competition.

Events will be organized by age groups (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Siblings). The individual events are: standing long jump, bean bag toss, frisbee throw, knot tying, obstacle course, and more. The pack events are running relay and tug-of-war.

Lunch and participation item included for youth registration. More information at the Council's website.