Cub Scout Pack 1776

October 31st: Halloween Event

  • Date and Time: Saturday, October 31, 2020 from 1 pm to 3 pm (Setup begins at 12:00.)
  • Location: Outdoors @ Coyote Creek Elementary School Parking Lot and Blacktop. 8700 North Gale Ridge Road, San Ramon, CA
  • Cost: Free admission! The entire scouting family is welcome!
  • Attire: Costumes!! Facecoverings - in addition to any costume type masks must be worn.
  • Signup:  YOU MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE on the SignUp Genius Link emailed to all members.
  • VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. Sign up here.

Beware of ghosts and goblins! Come for an afternoon of games, fun, and mayhem!  This is a socially distanced outdoor event where small groups of participants (14 persons or less) shall rotate through stations to ensure they are apart from one another.  Candy/trinkets will only be distributed at certain spots, in a method where they are placed on a table / ground for individual pick up or run through a “candy chute” to minimize contact.  Only pack provided candy will be distributed. Registered participants get a special Trunk or Treat 2020 patch and Halloween Candy tote preloaded with some candy! The key to this event is not to have groups intermingle or get bigger than their allotment. Registered participants will receive an email with their group number before the event. Participants need to stay in that group the entire time. While parents or a Lion or Tiger may accompany their scouts, we encourage them and all other adults to stand away from the groups and observe from a distance. We do not want the groups to get bigger by having parents enter an area when they are there.

  • Parents arrive at 1 pm and park in the Kids Country side parking lot or street.
  • Leave an empty parking space in between cars.
  • Parents & kids stay in their cars until it is time to start the event. 
  • Children must stay with their parents until we are ready to begin.
    • The Cubmaster will announce such with megaphone, calling for those in a particular group to assemble.
    • That group will be sent to their first station.
    • Successive groups will be sent to other stations in numerical order. 
    • No group will be sent to the same station at the same time.

Our event is called "Trunk or Treat," but that's in name only! Quite frankly, it's because the patch looks cool.

Parents can choose to decorate their car and park it in the Decorated Vehicle Section in the parking lot on the Kindergarten side of the school.  Tell us in advance if you are bringing a decorated vehicle as we are limiting it to 30 vehicles to ensure an empty parking space exists between cars. 

  • Participants will walk down the middle of the parking lot to observe the decorated cars. 
  • Parents shall not pass out items to passers-by.
  • Participants shall not go up to a decorated car.
  • In intervals, there will be a candy/trinket slide or pick up area set up by the pack where kids can obtain a treat.  Decorated cars are eligible to win one of many trophies, as judged by the scouts. 
  • Kids may cycle through the trunk or treat area twice if time permits.  Everyone will walk in a one-way direction, spread out at least 6’ apart.  Towards the last cycle, they will tell a staffer their choices for the trophies.
  • A photo backdrop will be nearby so you can take a photo!

A carnival area will be set up in various locations of the school, including the blacktop.  These stations will be well spread apart to ensure the groups remain apart.  The events are designed so that they do not involve running, eating, drinking or removal of a face-covering.  While some events will require the use of hand-held materials, these will be disinfected with soapy water before the next participant handles it.  Participants must stay with their group and move from station to station as a group, when instructed.  This will probably be every 10-15 minutes.  Each station will have a candy/treat pick up area or slide.

Facecoverings - in addition to any costume type masks - must be worn. The small groups and cycling them through various activities will allow us to regulate attendance at any one location. Socially distanced games are:

  • Spray Away - Children try to “spray away” golf balls from golf tee’s using a squirt gun.  4 stations of 6 tees/golf balls and spread them out so the kids aren’t near one another.  Squirt guns will be washed and refilled in soapy water between kids.
  • Photo Back Drop Station & Lollipop Tree / Pull: pull a lollipop out to see if the end is colored. If it is, you may select a prize.  Either way, you keep the lollipop!  A photo backdrop will be nearby by so you can take a photo!
  • Balloon Darts: Balloons inflated ahead of time with a pump will be affixed to pegboard.  3 stations.  Use darts to pop two balloons. Darts will be washed in soapy water between kids.
  • Giant Soap Bubbles: 7 soapy water basins.  Each participant handles their own wand.  Wands are washed with soapy water between participants.
  • The Grave Keeper: The Grave Keeper has to keep a watchful eye on the graves in this spooky Halloween game. Zombies are usually pretty active on Halloween night; the grave keeper better be on their toes! The grave keeper will have everyone collapse and fall to the ground. The grave keeper keeps an eye on the dead to see if any of them move. If the grave keeper sees someone move, they are out of the game. If the grave keeper has his back turned then the dead can move and try to stand all the way up without getting caught.
  • Monster Freeze Dance: Put on some Halloween tunes and have the kids boogie until the music stops when they have to freeze.  Children are eliminated for not freezing and the last monster standing is the winner.
  • Pumpkin Walk: musical chairs type activity - minus the chairs and running - where kids march on numbered pumpkins. When the music stops, a number is pulled out of a hat.  Children are eliminated for standing on a pumpkin that has that number called.

Face coverings are required for all attendees

Please bring your own face coverings and wear them at all times.  While we will have hand sanitizer, please also bring your own.

All face coverings (whether disposable or reusable) must:

  • Be made with at least two layers of breathable material
  • Fully cover the nose and mouth and secure under the chin
  • Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
  • Be secured with ties or ear loops and allow the person to remain hands-free
  • Shall not contain a valve which allows air to be exhaled from the mask.
  • Open-chin triangle bandanas are not acceptable face coverings.

The use of face coverings is not a substitute for physical distancing. 

Do NOT attend the event if you or a family member have experienced these symptoms in the 14 days leading up to the event:

  • In contact with someone known or suspected to have COVID or the below symptoms.
  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
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Halloween Pictures Now Playing!

Hi Everyone,

Last Friday's Pack 1776 Halloween Party was a complete success! I hope you all had as great a time as I did.

Three cheers to Lisa Cheney and her team of party animals for coordinating a fun night, which flew by faster than an impatient vampire bat in hurry out of a belfrey! Great games, costumes, prizes and treats.

Many thanks to our own, hard-working Cubmaster Macey for capturing the event on film, with a thrilling collection of portraits of our cubs and families. Macey is the Wizard of Photography, and you can view his magic at our pack website on SmugMug. Go to the photo site and enjoy the show.

See you next week for our big November Pack Meeting, the Olympic BeyBlades Tournament! Watch for your e-mail-man to deliver more details.

Cubmaster John

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Pack Halloween Party

Date/Time: Friday, October 28, 6-8pm (setup begins at 4:30pm)
Location: MPR
Cost: Free admission.  Nominal fee for concessions.
Attire: Costumes!!
Signup: Just show up and have fun!

Hi all!

OK! Just one week until the pack Halloween party. Below are the booths so far.

Macey Zavala:  Photo booth
Den 2: Eyeball race
Den 3: ... pending ...
Den 4: Putting booth
Den 5: ...pending ...
Den 6: Cake Walk
Den 7: Jack-O-Lantern Candy Toss
Den 8: Witch Hat Ring Toss
Den 9: Pumpkin Bowling
Den 10: Feelies booth
Den 11: Fishing game or bean bag

The party is from 6 to 8. We have access to the MPR starting at 4:30. Please be set up and ready to go by 6:00. Remember to sign up to help man your booth so that everyone can enjoy the party. 1/2 hour increments are nice. Please remember to supply what you need for your booth/activity including decorations! The pack will provide you with some candy to hand out to participants and some play money for the winners of the activities to go and exchange for prizes.

Concessions will be available for a very nominal fee... We're just going to have pizza and water available. That night it's all about the candy and prizes!

Don't forget to DRESS UP!! It is a HALLOWEEN party! The kids have even MORE fun when they see that we are getting involved!

If you have any questions please let me know!

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Boo! Guess Who?

Hi All!

It's that time of year again to start thinking of our annual Halloween Party for the cub scouts! It will be held in the MPR on Friday, October 28th from 6 to 8. More details will be forthcoming but I wanted you all to be sure and have it on your calendars and pass along the information to your dens. As always, we will be having "booths" or activities put on by each den so start thinking of your game now and I'll send along some ideas soon too.

Traditionally the Webelos II are responsible for the food but we have 3 dens of Web II. Do either of you want to volunteer for the food or would you like for me to draw straws? 🙂

Also, do any of you have a strobe light that we can use that night? I hate to buy one just for one night of spooky fun.

Lisa Cheney
Pack 1776 Halloween Party Coordinator

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Halloween Party

Date: Friday, October 29, 2010
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Coyote Creek MPR
RSVP to eVite by Tuesday, October 26th

Pack 1776 families,

Beware the ghosts and goblins will be everywhere - All our cub scouts and their families are invited to join us for mayhem and munchies Friday, October 29th, from 6 to 8 pm in the MPR at Coyote Creek.

Costumes are strongly encouraged for kids AND adults!!

There will be a $5 admission fee per family and a nominal fee for food.

Please RSVP to eVite by Tuesday, October 26th and please specify how many adults and kids will be attending. We want to ensure we have enough prizes. If you have any décor you would like to loan for the evening please let us know - thank you!

Refusal to attend our Spooktacular Halloween Party will result in loss of fun for everyone!

- Pack 1776 Committee

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Halloween Party

Date: Friday, October 30, 2009
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: MPR

It's Pack 1776's Annual Halloween Bash!

Beware the ghosts and goblins will be everywhere. All our cub scouts and their families are invited to join us for mayhem and munchies.

RSVP by October 27th and please specify how many kids will be attending, we want to ensure we have enough prizes. Admission is free if you are wearing a costume (including adults). There will be a nominal fee for food and any additional BOO bucks. If you have any décor you would like to loan for the evening please let us know.

Thank you! [stextbox id="warning" caption="Warning" float="true" align="right"]Refusal to attend our Spooktacular Halloween Party will result in loss of fun for everyone!!![/stextbox]

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